Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2b:30] Class summary for November 12th

Thanks, Marjorie.

You got to be extremely careful with proper tense usage.

See you,

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From: <>
Date: Sun, Nov 17, 2013 at 4:13 PM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2b:30] Class summary for November 12th

Hi guys!!

 I,m going to -talk +tell you about the summary of last tuesday , 12th of November.
  •      At the beginning of the class, we -[were working] +WORKED in group and -discuss +DISCUSSED  some questions of the handout "Giving advice":

               - what do you think of your country's capital city?
                 What would you recommend seeing  there? why?
                  Are there any  things you'd tell people to avoid? why?
                  Have you visited any other capital cities? when?
                  why? what were they like?

       Useful vocabulary and grammar to give -advices +ADVICE or recommendations:

    1.-There are a lots ways to give advice. Look at the different ways of answering the question: What would you recommend seeing there?
    I'd go to Montmartre (if were you).
    You should take a boat trip down the river.
    You're best staying in an área called  Vosstaniya.
    You could take a tour round the mountains (if you wanted).
    your better off taking the train. (= it's preferable)
      2.-We often use  the structures above with an if-clause+present tense-or another expression that refers to a general topic
      If you want to relax, you should take a boat trip down
       In terms of accommodation,(respecto al alojamiento) you're best staying in an area called vosstaniya

        sunset :/ˈsʌn.set/
      the time in the evening when you last see the sun in the sky
      Sunrise: /ˈsʌn.raɪz/= 
      the time in the morning when the sun starts to rise in the sky:
         dusk:  /dʌsk/
       the time before night when it is not yet dark:
      twilight/ˈtwaɪ.laɪt (Crepúsculo)
       the period just before it becomes completely dark in the evening

      The city center(US)          
     The city centre (UK)
        downtown: /ˌdaʊnˈtaʊn
       in or to the central  part of a city

    IMPORTANT:  dont use "the" before  Downtown

    our country man= compatriota

    to rip-off= Timar

    rip sb off (phrasal verb)
     to cheat someone by making them pay too much money for something

    Bob's tickets cost much less than ours - I think we've been ripped off.

    I had a hell of a time= me lo pase genial
    That you find fit=  Que encuentre conveniente

    Then, we read an email. The email was written as one long text.
    We worked in pairs and -divide +DIVIDED the email into six paragraph with (/. ). We -underline +UNDERLINED +the expressions that start the paragraphs and show a new subject is being introduced

    • Finally some  -puntuations +punctuation marks that we learned this day:
    .  puntodot
    ,coma comma
    :dos puntoscolon
    ;punto y comasemicolon
    ' ', " " las comillas
    ' ' inverted commas (UK)
    '             apostrofeapostrophe
    ()parentesis brackets (UK), parentheses (US)
    []los corchetessquare brackets (UK), brackets (US)
    {}las llavescurly brackets (UK)
    ?el signo de interrogaciónquestion mark
    !el signo de exclamaciónexclamation mark
    ¿el signo de interrogación de aperturaopening question mark
    ¡el signo de exclamación de aperturaopening exclamation mark
    los puntos suspensivos ellipsis (formal, technical)
    dot dot dot (usual)
    three dots (usual)
    &see this thread ampersand (símbolo "&") ampersand
    @arrobaat sign
    -el guiónhyphen
    el guión largo / la rayadash
    _el guión bajounderscore
    /la barra / barra oblicua / diagonal slash
    \ la barra inversa / barra invertidabackslash


    That`s all friends


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    Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

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