Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2b:30] Class summary for Tuesday 19 th

Thanks, Silvia. Nice revision work ahead!

Cuidado con esas frases largas sin nexos que en realidad son dos.

[1] No olvides nunca el SUJETO, aunque este sería un caso claro de pasiva: "...he was in the isles when his wallet was stolen, with his credit cards in it"

[2] "After" solo no nos sirve como nexo: after that

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Silvia Cordon <>
Date: Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 12:16 AM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2b:30] Class summary for Tuesday 19 th

Class summary for Tuesday 19 th
-In +At the beginning of the class the teacher gave us a worksheet +[.] we worked +[on it] the rest of the class. The worksheet was about a letter of complaint. The teacher asked us if we had bought something in +the Internet and so was asking the other questions [?? "the other" refiere a preguntas concretas, pero aquí no queda claro]. He told us a case that happened to his friend +[.]  when he was overseas [=abroad, this was in Ibiza!; on holiday, in the isles]  -[stole him the ] +[THEY stole his] [1] card and took +his money. They went to the Police station in Entrevias to report the theft.

After +THAT [2], we did the following exercise that was about a letter of complaint in which we had to fill in the spaces with different words.Also +[, we] had to underline the phrases that we would use in any letter of complaint.
Then in the following exercise we -have +had to put (according to plus a noun) from the box. We also had to fill in the sentences with our own ideas. In another exercise the teacher told us to look for -[at the letter] several passive structures +[in the letter].
Some of the vocabulary and expresssions that we learned are:
A spare part: un repuesto
Nice suede boots: botas de ante
A appliance : a knife sharpener: afilador de cuchillos
A gadget: cachibache
A ticket for a gig: Un ticket para un concierto
Charge on his bank statement: declaración de lo que cargan en su banco [el extracto]
Unlawful transactions: Transaciones ilegales
It took them binger  [??] to ship the purchases: gastos de envio y compra
Deceive(adjetive): persuadir
Deceit (noun): engañar
Get through: pasar [al teléfono]
Further: más lejos
Further education: educación superior
Fair play: juego justo
      It isn´t fair ( Ello no es justo)
Misleading( adjetive): engañoso
Flyer: panfletos
Voucher( noun):vale
Brochure(noun): folleto
Timely: puntual
Substandard: no dar la talla, de bajo nivel

Finally at the end of the class the teacher -[command us for Thursday] +assigned  -the exercise b of the worksheet +[ for Thursday].
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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

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