Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2a:20] Summary for October 31st

Thanks, Marta.

Remember that I don't usually assign specific homework, but that does not mean you should not work on the workbook, read extra material regularly, etc.

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From: Marta Vizoso <>
Date: Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 4:56 PM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2a:20] Fwd: Eoivallecas. Intermediate 2A. Summary's Marta Vizoso Almagro

Class summary for October 31th.

Hi guys

Today we started class by correcting the summary of the day October 29.The teacher has put some slides on the summary errors : one was on by + -ing to verbs to star 

(They started building the house January and they finished it in June --> ellos empezaron a construir la casa en enero y la terminaron en junio //
They started by building the house in January, they then made the swiming pool and fixed the garden --> comenzaron a hacer la casa en enero, luego hicieron la piscina y arreglaron el jardín) 

and to continue 

(He paused for a moment to listen and then continued eating -->se detuvo un momento para escuchar y luego siguó comiendo // 
The president continued by saying that his country was a free country and would always remain so --> el Presidente continuó diciendo que su país era un coutry libre y siempre permanecerá así),

another was the infinitive of purpose 

(TO+ INFINITIVE --> for people who have an intention) and the last was 

for purpose  (FOR + -ING : Is that cake for eating or just for looking at? -->¿Esta tarta es para comer o solo para ver?)  and cause (FOR +NOUN : We stopped at the pub for a drink --> paramos en el pub para tomar una bebida).

Then we did the 4th exercise on page 11 -[which was in search] +[in which we had to find] classmates who fulfilled any of the eight sentences that were in the exercise, -[with that] what was sought +[with that] was to have conversations with other classmates.

-[Here we shared the exercise of which we took vocabulary exercise done and we would then] +[Then we shared the exercise and took note of some vocabulary:]
I know the place, but i walked -pass +past - >conozco el lugar, pero pasé de largo.
All the day - > todo el día
Every day - > todos los días
 - I feel tired all the day --> me siento cansada todo el día
 - I feel tired every day --> me siento cansada todos los días
The -prefix +suffix -ish :
 - Yellow (amarillo) - > yellowish (amarillento)
 - Red (rojo) - > reddish (rojizo)
 - Blue (azul) - > blueish (azulado)
 - Gray (gris) - > grayish (grisaceo)
 - I see you eight thirtish - > te veo sobre las ocho y media
 - How old is he? he's twentish - >¿Cuántos años tiene? alrededor de  veinte
Clockwise - > sentido a las agujas del reloj
Counter -clockwise - > sentido contrario a las agujas del reloj
Paycheck - > nómina
It's difficult for me to get angry --> es difícil que me enfade
      adj + for + sb + to do something

Then, we -we read the rules of a game that would make the end of the class -[, a] +[. A]fter reading, +we did exercise 2. 1.12 on page 13 that was related to the game we would -[do after] +[play later].

Finally, did the game +on page 12, in which we split into groups of 4, we had to ask questions between us. this game +[is about] trying to keep a conversation on different topics.

This is all we did in class, and the teacher did not tell us to do +any homework.

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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

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