Saturday, November 30, 2013

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2b:47] Class summary for November 29th

Thanks, Miguel.

[1] Watch out for tense coherence!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Miguel Monterroso Rodriguez <>
Date: Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 11:01 PM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2b:47] Class summary for November 29th

Hi classmates!

Last Friday, we did some activities on page 21. The first activity consists [1]  in some grammar exercise, the second activity was [1] pronunciation, and the last was some practice activities about the grammar we learned.

The first grammar activity
1)   The noun suxffixes usually used for people [for people, abstract concepts, and many other]. For example:







[Cuidado! creo que lo quieres pronunciar bien, pero lo escribes mal!]


-intership +internship




Following with +the grammar activity
2) we often describe the opposite of nouns with "LACK OF". For example:
- lack of money, lack of choice, etc.

 3) Many nouns are the same as the verb. For example:
"to interest/an interest" or "to stress/some stress.

4) Gerunds are -use +used in the same way as a nouns and can be the subject or object of the sentence. For example:
Spending time with family is important to most people

The second activity was pronunciation. We had to mark the stress syllables. Notice many of the unstressed syllables have "schwa".       
anxiety       conformist            employee             loneliness
exhaustion relationship          criticisim              security
cemetery    secretary
The last activity was practice
We did exercises one and two. +In The first one we had to fill the gaps with the ending of each noun -was in brackets, and +in the second +[, ] complete the gaps with the noun or gerund form of the words in brackets.

-[For finishing] +[To finish,] here we have some vocabulary and grammar expressions:

-overcrowding: masificado
Example: The world market for telecommunications is already overcrowded with businesses.
-Intership +internship: beca
Example: He served his internship at Garfield Hospital.

-To mar: estropear
Example : The festival was not marred by the rain.

-      Finish the exercise 2 on page 21
-      Practice 1 and Practice 2 on pages 134 and 135.

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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

Friday, November 29, 2013

Thanksgiving / Black Friday / Cyber Monday

Check their website's motto

HDTV deals
"sold the show"
retailer (</=> wholesale)
drop the price
a budget system
fall as low as 2.59
you should jump on it
a bundle (w/ a premium accessory)
marked up to 50% off // take 50% off
a new price-low
a 50$ cut in iPads

Widespread mistakes from your summaries

Hi guys,
As you know, I've recently been catching up with my email, and that includes making quite a few belated comments on your summaries.

There are a few widespread mistakes which I think are worth some reviewing.
(With the notable exception of those of you who already master them, and I found quite a few!)

Enjoy the links and notes below!


Common mistakes

  • No decimos "the", es decir, no usamos artículo determinado cuando la página, el ejercicio, o lo que sea ya está determinado por el número: 
 We did the exercise 10 on the page 12.
  • Cuando el complemento de modo es un gerundio, va introducido por la preposición "by". Apuntes.
 We started the class by checking the homework.
  • Cuidado con el uso de los tiempos perfectos. Es bastante distinto del español. Lo que ellos no dicen nunca es "ayer hemos visto la unidad 3". Usan pasado simple:
Yesterday / Last day we -[have seen] +saw the first page of unit 3.
El perfecto lo usan para conectar dos momentos, para cosas que no se dan por concluidas... Apuntes, a distinto nivel, algunos en español, y con algunos matices de combinaciones de palabras o usos habituales:


  • Estábamos o Estuvimos, ¿acción progresiva o simple? Cuidado con traducir "estuvimos haciendo el ejercicio 7" por "we were doing exercise 7". Eso más bien quiere decir "estábamos haciendo el ejercicio 7" ... y claro te quedas esperando para saber si pasó algo más...
​El progresivo es más comúnmente una acción de trasfondo, lo que estaba occuriendo cuando ocurrió otra cosa, o algo que hacíamos durante un intervalo de tiempo.

  • No usamos un "After" suelto para hablar de una acción que hicimos a continuación.
We read a text. After +that, we discussed the questions.

  •  Para hablar de una "fotocopia" con apuntes y ejercicios, normalmente decimos worksheet.
  • La palabra "advice" es incontable. Nunca es advices.
He gave some advice about the exam
That's all folks! Study these pages so that we can weed out these mistakes.

Advice for Intermediate Level Monologs

Well, first thing is NOT TO BE SCARED. Remember Roosevelt's "There is nothing to fear but fear itself".

The best thing you can do is to practice. Let me give you a few tips. First, choose a topic. For example get a Sunday magazine; the topic of pretty much any feature article would make a good topic, just think of it a little bit in abstract terms. For reference, here is a list of topics from several sources that I have used in past years. Next, you spend two or three minutes preparing your speech.

How do you prepare? Use the following structure. Structure, however basic it may be, is very important and makes it much easier to follow. Think of at least three basic things to say, and you should think of at least one concrete example, or personal experience, of what you are saying.

Sample Topic and structure: Low-cost holidays

1) Low-cost airlines
Comparison to past and explanation of what they are
2) Accommodation
Youth hostels and backpacking: advantages and disadvantages
3) Best time to travel
Alternatives depending on length of stay

For instance, if you are speaking about low-cost holidays you may mention low-cost airlines, youth hostels and backpacking and the best time of the year to do it (summer holidays, long weekends,...). What you do is explain what they are, or give advantages or disadvantages, or anything like that. For instance:

"In the last few years there are many more low-cost airlines than before / In the last few years a lot of new low-cost airlines have appeared, .... Flying used to be very expensive, but now, if you have a few hundred euros there are many destinations that you can visit... This includes the capital city of each European country, and also many smaller destinations in each country like Valladolid, Liverpool...Sometimes you have problems with these airlines, but they provide many new opportunities .... Regarding accommodation, I think youth hostels are a very good option, very convenient ... and rather cheap. Many times they are very well located near the city center. One positive thing is that you can meet a lot of people and do things with them. They are also tourists as you are.... Sometimes there are disadvantages, people can be too noisy, or the place may not have some facilities like a laundry .... Another question is about the best time to travel... for backpack travelling, or even for camping, I think summer holidays are the best, because you can be out for several weeks and you save much more money compared with regular hotels ... Of course, if what you want is to spend a low-cost weekend on a European city, maybe it is not worth it and the best option is to look for an inexpensive hotel. One that is comfortable but not too luxurious."

Then you give an example of one time you did it, "I remember the last low-cost trip I took I went to Prague, I was there for four days. I flew with ..... I did have time to visit the most important places such as .... and it was not at all expensive. Altogether, less than .... for four days. That's not too bad, isn't it?

The two other important parts of the structure are the introduction and the conclusion. Your monolog is not a really formal presentation, so they are not an absolute requirement. I recommend that you use them, though. In your introduction just announce some of the points you will make, you don't need to be exhaustive. Don't say everything, just give one or two ideas (si lo enuncias todo y se te olvida luego decir algo, no queda bien. Si solo enuncias parte, y luego dices más, es más vivo, y parece que tienes capacidad de mucho más). Use different words than what you will use later, and be brief and to the point, or it will later sound repetitive. Your conclusion should clearly signal the end of the speech. You can use one final idea, or a joke, or just review the main points you covered.

For instance, an introduction "Talking about low-cost travelling, I think there are a few important points to consider. First, you need to know how to go to your destination, for instance with a low-cost plane ticket. Then you need to know where to stay. I mean, if it is going to be a hotel, a youth hostel and so on..." / “Thinking about low-cost travelling, a few ideas come to mind. I mean, you need to take some decisions: for example, where to go, how to get there, where to stay or spend the night, for how long… Regarding transportation, I think in the last few years….”

For instance, a conclusion "Finally / To conclude / As a final point, I just want to encourage everybody to go on short low-cost trips if they can. It is a wonderful way to disconnect and feel relaxed before you come back to everyday life". Another example: "To sum up, I will just say again what I think are the most important points to keep in mind: low-cost flights, inexpensive accommodation and length of the trip… and how to get the money for it".

Ok, I hope this helps.  Anyways, these are suggestions and not rules. Once again, you prepare for about two/three minutes and you speak for about four minutes. Rehearse at least five or six times. Don't panic if it is not good at the beginning. If you have a recorder, practice with it two or three times; if not, there are websites where you can record yourself. Ask me if you don’t know any.

Contrastive stress: NOUNS vs. VERBS

Some times there is a contrastive stress between NOUNS and VERBS when the two are written in the same way. This applies to some verbs coming from Latin. I feel it is fading away, but it still applies to many common verbs.

Here you have a complete list of contrastive stress. This list also includes nouns and adjectives. You don't need all that; just select the most common words (those which you are now probably mispronouncing).

And here you have a very serious professor talking on the matter (but just for a minute!).

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2a:42] Class summary for November 26th


[1] Cuidado con confundir los usos de "as"/"like" y "like"/"such as"
like y as, such as

Nice linking, but be careful with basic spelling!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Maite Lopez Moreno <>
Date: Thu, Nov 28, 2013 at 2:16 PM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2a:42] Class summary for November 26th
To: "" <>

Hi classmates:
We started the class by reviewing the last exercise we did the day before (page 17. Exercise 3). After that, we did -the exercise 3b, a lisening in which we had to look for different examples about what we had heard.
Jose Luis tried to remind -to us +OF the differences between:
-Politician: the person
- Politics: the science
- -Politicy +Policy: set of rules.
The teacher also explained to us that in UK and USA -[the University takes four years] +[El sujeto no es ese: It takes four years at University to get a degree] to obtain the degree. When you obtain your degree you are a postgraduate, and before, you are an undergraduate. Also he explained -than +that each year -have +has a different name at the university:
1º: freshman year
2º: sophomore year
3º: junior year
4º: senior year

After that, we did the following exercise (page 18, exercise 1). We read the quotes and we discussed in pairs. Later we discussed with the class. We chose our favorites and explained why we chose each one.
Later we did exercise 2a in page 18, and -pass +moved on to -the exercise 3. In that exercise we worked in pairs. Each person had to read a different text (in page 18 or in page 127) and later ask the -cuestions +questions from exercise 4 in page 19.[aquí lo haces bien, y no pones artículo, porque ya das el número de ejercicio]

We learned some expresions and vocabulary +SUCH as [1]:
-"under the table": the money that the politicians "earn" in an ilegal way
- "to pull strings": when somebody helps you to obtain something that you wouldn`t have without "this help" ("enchufar")
- "+NO other way round": when you don`t have other options
- "to spend money like water": spend a lot of money easily
- "To make ends meet": achieve that the month and the salary ended at the same time.
- Finicky: tiquismiquis (It is a bad adjetive).
- Meticuous: meticuloso. (It is a good adjetive).
- Daydreaming: soñar despierto
We don`t have to confuse:
I don`t agree at all (no estoy de acuerdo para nada) vs I don`t -complety +completely agree (no estoy de acuerdo del todo)
In english we use serious problems not important problems [eso no está mal, eh, es solo que en esa frase no terminaba de cuadrar...].

That`s all!! See you soon!!
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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2b:38] Class summary for November 26th

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Carmen Garcia <>
Date: Thu, Nov 28, 2013 at 12:00 AM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2b:38] Class summary for November 26th

Hi classmates,

We started the class by correcting exercice 3a, in page 17, and we completed adjetives with prefixes:

     Overpaid, underfed, nonstop, postwar, prearranged, selfcritical, misshaped,progovernment, antiwar.

And the teacher asked us examples with this adjetives. After +THAT,  we listenned +TO exercice 2.1. and wrote examples about +what we had heard. Also we learnt some vocabulary related to these sentences:

Politicians - for person.
Politics - Science
Policy - Set of rules.

Postgraduate: Titulado por encima de grado
Undergraduate: Titulado por debajo de grado
Ph.D.: Doctorado
An intern: un becario
An intership: Una beca
Scholarship = A -grand  +grant (beca pagada)
An apprentice: Un aprendiz
Jose Luis -[explains us] +[explained (to us)], that in USA, degrees are 4 years, and depending on the year which you are studying,  you are call in diferent ways:
1st year= Freshman
2nd year= Sophomore
3rd year= Junior
4th year= Senior
After that, we did the following exercice (-in +on page 18) and we read several quotes about happiness and we chose the one we prefered and +said why.
Next, we worked in -pair +pairs, and each one of us read four articles, in pages 18-19 and page 127, and then we aswered questions of exercices 4.

Finally, we learnt this new vocabulary:
Net income: Ingresos netos
Gross income: ingresos brutos
Expenditures: Gastos
Outcomes = result  (resultados)

...And I don't want to forget the adjetive:

    Finicky: Meticuloso/a

Which makes me beg your pardon for the mistakes I made

See you on Thursday!!

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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2b:28] Class summary for November 14th

Thanks, Almudena!  Watch out for spelling slips.

[1] Cuando van delante del nombre los adjetivos de más de una palabra se escriben con guión.

[2] Infinitivo de propósito

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Sat, Nov 16, 2013 at 2:20 PM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2b:28] Class summary for November 14th

Hi everybody,

     I,m going to -talk +tell you about the -summary +class of last thursday, 14th of November.

  •      At the beginning of the class, we corrected +the/some exercises of the handout "Giving advice":
       Useful vocabulary and grammar to give -advices +advice or recommendations: Otherwise, other than, apart from
  1. We use otherwise (de lo contrario/si no) to show contrast with other option or idea:
                             I´d study more English if I were you. Otherwise, you´ll fall your English exam (This is not a metaphor)

       2.  We use other than that/apart from that/ otherwise to mean in addition something is not mentioned before:

               In Goya Street there is a good restaurant of tipical, -[good quality] +good-quality [1], Spanish food, other than that/ apart from that/ otherwise, you can go to Latina -[for eating] +[to eat] [2] a great short [???] of  aperitivos

Watch out!!! when you use other than or apart from, you have to talk about first thing what you talk before, I mean:
There are several hotels in town wich aren´t too expensive. apart from,  there´s a nice campsite on the outskirts. INCORRECT
There are several hotels in town which aren´t too expensive. apart from the hotels or apart form that,  there´s a nice campsite on the outskirts. CORRECT
        3.   You can  use apart from that (aparte de esto)/ other than that (además de esto) to join two parts of a sentence, you can´t use otherwise:
               You could go to Navacerrada to do sky +[. A] apart from doing sky, there is a great spa if you´d like relaxing.
  • Then, we did +the activities of Unit 02 "Track your feelings", pages 16 and 17, exercises 1, 2a, 2b, 3a and 3b, these exercises deal with "Describing how you feel", adjetives about feelings, these are some of -their +them:
awkward   UK: /ˈɔː.kwəd/ US: /ˈɑː.kwə`d/
an awkward situation una situación incómoda

relaxed: X is pronounced /ks/---- /rɪˈlækst/
I feel relaxed when I`m on holidays

stressed: SSED is pronunced /t/----/strest/
I feel stressed when holidays had just finished and depressed and upset too. (pronunciation of depressed is similar than stressed)

  • We can use -quantifying +quantifiers to emphasise meaning of adjetives using adverbs, for instance:

-estremely +extremely, hugely, dead =(completely), definitily, quite, rather, sligtly, not in the least, not at all.   I`m going to give some examples:

                             I'm dead sure =Estoy completamente segura
                             I'm not in the least worried =No estoy preocupada en absoluto
                             I`m not at all nervous= No estoy en absoluto nerviosa

  • Finally some vocabulary and expressions that we learned this day:

drill (n) taladro/ ejercicio, práctica/ instruccion (ejercito)
      a pronunciation drill

to drill (v) taladrar/educar, entrenar/ instruir (ejercito)
      He drilled the children in what they should say.

to claim: afirmar/reclamar/cobrar (vidas)
      she claimed that she had seen it= Ella afirmaba lo que había visto
      He claimed that he should get the first prize= El reclamaba que debía haber ganado el primer premio
      The hurricane claims ten lives= El huracan se cobra diez vidas

to reclaim= reclamar
      I`m going to the baggage reclaim to pick up my luggage.

It serves me right for not studyng more= me está bien empleado por no estudiar más

small hours (n)= the early hours of the morning, between twelve o'clock at night and the time when the sun rises
 She was up until the small hours of the morning trying to finish her homework

That`s all friends


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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2a:29] 5th November

Watch out for tense usage!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Marta Arsenal <>
Date: Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 4:06 PM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2a:29] 5th November
To: eoi-english-2013-ni2a <>
            In the class of Nomvember 5th we -[had done] +did an oral exercise about people that had a problem and a friend or someone -[near frome] +[close to] that person +who tried to calm +them down ( pg 14 exercise 1,2 and 3). So we had seen some vocubylary about that issue (pg. 14 exercise 3) Also we had seen vocabulary that we can´t find in the book:

-Tell you what: se usa como introduccióna  una proposición
- -Perfecty +Perfectly nice: se usa cuando a continuación decimos algo negativo de alguien o algo.
-Short of: otra cosa, a menos que
-Take notice: prestar atención
-There´s no point: no hay razón, motivo.
-Cheer up! Ánimo
-What a shame: qué pena/verguenza
-To spill: derramar
-Door bell: telefonillo
-Dye: teñir (pelo)
-Once in a lifetime: una vez en la vida
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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado