Thursday, January 30, 2014

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2a:86] Class sumary for January 30th

Very neat!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rocío Vega Vilrriales 
Date: Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 8:56 PM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2a:86] Class sumary for January 30th

Today we started the class by correcting the exercise “Key words for writing” from the “Personal Statement” worksheet which was given +to us on Christmas.
After that, we did a -simulation +mock oral exam. Jose Luis told us two topics (Unusual holidays and mobile phones) and we had to improvise our monologue.
He told us about an application for our mobile phones that +is called AUDIOBOO (you can also use it in your computer). It is very useful, you can record yourself while you are practicing the monologue, but it can only record 3 minutes. Before +you use it, you have to register in At the end of our course more or less we can send our recordings to Jose Luis and he will correct them. [This is still to be determined]
Then, we did exercise 1a about Mental skills and we did the quiz What kind of mind have you got? on page 36. After that, in pairs, everyone discussed the questions and finally we wrote the correct answers.
Finally, we reviewed the passive form. Remember that there is a passive form in all tenses.
- Pasiva normal: BE + PAST PARTICIPLE
This question is designed to test logic and maths.
-Pasiva de infinitivo: (TO) BE + PAST PARTICIPLE
The shape has to be rotated
-Pasiva con verbo modal: MODAL + BE + PAST PARTICIPLE
Children certainly should not be brived.

To practice it, we did exercises of LANGUAGE FOCUS 1, GRAMMAR and PRACTICE on page 37.
We have to do some homework, exercise 1 on page 126 (Brain facts) and the practice in page 140 and 141.

That`s all! Have a nice weekend!  

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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

Fwd: Class summary for january 28th.

Watch out for PAST TENSE, that's a no-no!

Careful with capital letters, too!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Josefina Basanta
Date: Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 8:07 PM
Subject: Class summary for january 28th.

Hi classmates!
Last Tuesday -[at classroom We try] +[in class we tried] to learn some tips in order to  Write Personal Statements.
(Handout 05 that teacher gave us last December)
 Firstly -[We discuss] +[we discussED] about different questions to tweak whatever We -need +needed to know:
·         Have you ever -write +written a personal statement?, When?, What for?.
·         How important is it to be honest or funny when writing   personal  statements ?.
·         What do you think is the best order to include all the information   in? .
“Give a positive wording to bad features” will be our watchword   to tweak our ideas in order to make an effective and  correct  writing.
Example: “Niran is applying to do an MBA at the university of Sidney in Australia” (Exersice A)
1st- Reasons for doing +the course. What is your purpose in the next future, your motivation.
2nd Education and qualifications.
3rd References .Skills and specific skills : languages, computer .
4th Experience.
5th Personal qualities.
Exersice B: Complete Niran’s personal statement .
To tweak: to change something slightly specially in order to make it more correct, effective or suitable.
Wording: The choice and meaning of the words used when you say or write something-
To swot: to study hard     To swot up (sth): swot up Marhs, for example.
Willing: voluntad de hacer algo  (She shows -as willingness: Buena disposición)
Approving. Entusiasmo, entrega. ["approving" es "positivo"/"bien visto"]
Insight: perspectiva     foresight: what is going to happen in the future.
Edge: ventaja      Competitive edge: advantage over other people
To Pursue: perseguir    Core: núcleo
HOMEWORK: Written assignment . Based on pg 45 in the book and 04 handout
180/200 words.Deadline February 7th . Use your online file and notify -to  José Luis


Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2c:92] Class Summary for January 27th

Thanks, Becky.

... I couldn't help it :)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rebeca Vaca Rubiato 
Date: Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 8:51 PM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2c:92] Class Summary for January 27th

Hi guys! I´m Rebeca, but you can -tell +call me Becky if you prefer.

We started the class by talking about how we do prepare monologs. We reviewed an old email that José Luis sent us titled "Advice for Intermediate Level Monologs".

We saw that all monologs should be written with a precise structure composed by an introduction, the main body of the monolog and a conclusion. It´s important to remark three basic things or ideas. 

After this, the teacher chose two topics and a half of the students wrote about "Unusual Trips" and the other half worked on "Mobile Phones". 

Here is an useful expression:

- it´s a dog dinner: revoltijo de cosas/ batiburrillo

At the end of the lesson, we reviewed the first photocopied exercise about personal statements.

It´s all for now, see you on Wednesday

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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2c:90] Class Summary for January 24th.

Thanks Amelia!

[1] Esto solo se suele decir cuando no dices lo que das; solo un "aquí tienes" (sin más). Si no, sería mas normal "Here are some useful expressions...."

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 8:41 PM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2c:90] Class Summary for January 24th.
To: ni2c 2013 <>

Class Summary for January 24th.
Hi classmates! I'm Amelia and it's my turn to summarize Friday's class.
·         We started by reviewing some pronunciation exercises on page 34. We had a funny time trying to express annoyance in different situations in case of unexpected problems.
Here you're [1] some useful expressions and vocabulary:

I understand that but ….
Can I make you a suggestion?
Why don't I …
Look, this is ridiculous!
Look, there's been a misunderstanding. We didn't realized that …
I don't think that's fair.
What do you mean you've given it to someone else.
It's not my fault.
I can see that, but this is very unfair.
Perhaps I need to speak to the manager.
Bargaining/regatear is typical of tourists overall in Morocco → regatear
Let's call it 20 – Vamos a dejarlo en 20
Let's call it a day! -- -Vamos a dejarlo por hoy!
The museum where I'm working is amazing, I like to show people round
The person who asks for your train ticket is the "conductor" (don't get +it wrong with this" false friend") – The conductor didn't insist in the fine and finally he removed it.

·         After this we worked in pairs and we invented some conversations according to exercise 3a.

Rip off/estafa – He told us the trip cost 30€ and after all we had to pay 40€!  He ripped off people who trust him!
Overstay/sobrepasar – You have overstayed the 30 minute limit.
Pick up/ recoger – My computer has to be picked up, the -technique +technician phoned me two days ago.
Top range/lo mejor – If you need a new one I can offer you a top range computer.

Some pronunciation: Cost (lost/post/host) ≠Coast (toast/roast) be careful with these words

·         Next we continued by working on page 35 with exercises about writing.

First we chose the suitable title for the text shown, secondly we answered questions on exercise 2. In the end we learned some adverbial phrases on exercise 3.
Below you find the ones I consider more interesting:

Several years ago …
It all happened when …
Amazingly/asombrosamente I wasn't asked to hand over anything.
After a while.
Eventually/finally (another false friend !!!)
By this stage/At this point.

There were about eight of us in a tiny bathroom
At the beginning she's unconcerned/unaware but at the end she's shaking and relieved

I hope you have found it interesting, if you -don't +didn't maybe you should try it again :)

See you, Amelia
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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

Monday, January 27, 2014

5 most regretted jobs

Maybe not as regrettable as being unemployed, but may people find themselves trapped in career paths they hate... beware!
5 most regretted jobs

What is it that you find most nagging about your job? Leave a comment!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Fwd: class summary for January 23th

Careful with the spelling of basic words! (and of course, the red highlights)

I link here to the information on monologs


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Javier Viñuelas Badía 
Date: Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 6:56 PM
Subject: class summary for January 23th
To: José L Moisés <>

Hi classmates!!!

Today at first, we -[returned to listen +TO] +[listened again TO] the three -shorts +short conversations on exercise 3.9 and answered -the questions 1 and 2. We completed the extracts below after listening again and finally we distinguished between speaking in +a calm, angry or annoyed +way ( 3.11) [son todo adjetivos, necesitas advervios]

Then, we practiced our speaking in pairs in excercise 3a with its six situations and using the phrases in bold in excercise 1b. We learnt some words and expressions:

windshield: parabrisas.

I´m trying to -bride +bribe you: Intento sobornarte [bride es novia! :) ]

I can´t handle that complain: no puedo manejar esa queja

there was heavy traffic but we did arrive in time: había mucho tráfico pero llegamos a tiempo

Let´s call -in +it 30€: dejémos lo en 30€

I need you to do me a favour: necesito que me hagas un favor

Next one in line, please: el siguiente de la fila, por favor

After that, we did -exercise +exercises 1, 2 and 3 on page 35 -[for improving] +[to improve] our writing...working in pairs, readind the story on excercise 1, answering the questions on exercise 2 and finally we filled the gaps of the text with the correct adverbial phrase. We used words like unconcerned, excited, -scare +scared, relieved...

In the last 20 minutes -on +of class our theacher -spoke +told us about the monologue speaking exam in june..."don´t be nervous"... the most important thing, and explained the -usefull +useful information about this in his blog.

Good weekend!!! See you on thuesday partners!!!

Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2c:86] Summary for January 22nd. (Better late than ever...)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Ramalleira 
Date: Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 2:33 PM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2c:86] Summary for January 22nd. (Better late than ever...)

Hi guys! 

I'm your delegate /at/ and I have the hard mission of summarizing -the Wednesday's lesson.
Here we go...

Last Wednesday we did the exercise "Listening 5a" on page 32. We could -learnt +learn new vocabulary from the audio script. 

Police inquiry = Investigación policial.
Inquire = Investigar, interrogar, preguntar sobre algo...
In the meantime = Hasta entonces...
Drop the charges = Retirar los cargos. "The prosecutor dropped the charges."
Suspended Sentence = Sentencia suspendida.
Fair = Justo.
...a "fairly" important decision = una decisión "bastante" importante.
Prosecuted for... = procesado por...
Hand out = Repartir, dictar sentencia.
It emerged that... = Se supo que... ,  Salió a la luz... "At the trial It emerged that..."   
To stand trial = Ser juzgado. "He stood trial for fraud."
To try / Trial = Juzgar / Juicio
To withdraw / Withdrawal = Retirar / Retirada
To remove / Removal = Quitar /  Eliminación
Admit to = Admitir  " She admit "to reading his text messages. "    

Don't panic guys. 

Look at the sentence  " I'm looking forward to the money." (noun)
                                " I'm looking forward to seeing you." (gerund)

In a sentence, if after TO +[a substantive] is possible -[a sustantive],  when we use a verb, this verb could be a gerund form.
You realized that TO in this example works as a preposition not as infinitive. 

Another example:

"I got used TO alcohol." (noun)
"I got used TO drinking." (gerund)

You get it? 

Anyway, The teacher has sent an e-mail with notes about that. Check your e-mail!

After that problem we -continue +continued with the lesson.

Neither...nor... = "Neither the police nor the authorities have problems..." 
So it looks... = Por lo que parece...  "So it looks like Mr Handl won't be prosecuted after all."
                                                      "So it looks as if Mr Handl won't be prosecuted after all."
To conclude the lesson, we moved +on to page 34 Listening 1a. 
We listened to three stories and learnt more vocabulary...

Doubtful = Dudoso
conductor = Revisor
Remove a fine = Retirar una multa
Host = Anfitrión    " The resturant host showed us to our table." 
Hostess = Anfitriona
Busboy = Ayudante del camarero
Bus = limpiar (american english)     "Please, bus your table."
Bear with... = Tener paciencia, aguante   "Bear with me madam, I'll give you a table in a minute."
Bargain = Ganga, regatear, negociar. " He's bargaining the price of the tour."
House = Casa, albergar, alojar.  "The museum houses some roman antiquies"

"Let's call it $20" = Vamos a dejarlo en 20 dólares.
"Let's call it a day" Vamos a dejarlo por hoy.

Pues eso, Let's call it a day! 

That's all folks.

Remember this afternoon we have class at 7pm. Don't forget it!!

See you later...
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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

Friday, January 24, 2014

Parents face fine if children keep getting to school late

The many teachers there, among us, in our classrooms, what do you think about this measure? Would it be feasible in Spain?

If you are to pay a fine when you come late to my class, I want to be the one who collects :p

Leave your comments below!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2b:84] Class summary for January 21st


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Silvia Terrés
Date: Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 11:54 PM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2b:84] Class summary for January 21st
To: "" <>

Hello classmates!

At the beginning of class, we reviewed the articles on pag 33 and we saw new vocabulary and expressions that had appeared -on it.

treat /triːt/ algo sorpresa.                 Example: I'm going to treat myself to a new pair of sandals.
The pair /per/ = a couple, pareja
Sympathise /ˈsɪm.pə.θaɪz/ empatizar
Face up /feɪs ap/, enfrentarse a algo
Faze /feɪz/, alarmarse
At the time, en ese momento.
At this time (present)
In a moment (future)
Out of, movido por               Example: I look for a job out of necessity
Spied on, espiar a
Confesse to               Example: I confess to stealing your money
Up to, hasta
In the meantime, entre tanto

After that, we did the listening on page 32 exercise 5. New expressions in this exercise.

- The judge handed down a suspended sentence he imposed a 5 € fine. (dicto/impuso)
- At the trial it emerged that.
- The prosecutor droopped the charges against him (retiro los cargos)
- She admitted to reading his text messages (después de preposición gerundio)
- He descirbes himself as "-relieve +relieved but angry" (aliviado)
- Neither the police nor the Authority have been in touch (en contacto)
- So it looks like Mr Handl won't be prosecuted after all (parece que)

Doubtful (dudoso)

Also we did exercise 1 a and b on pag 34.

Finally, we learnt some vocabulary and new expressions.

In time, llegar a tiempo                   Example: If we don't hurry up, we won't be in time to catch the train.
On time, llegar a la hora a la que se la esperaba               Example: His flight arrived on time.

To bargain /ˈbɑː.ɡɪn/, regatear

Bear with me madam, espere un momento
Give -up possibility, dar la posibilidad [bring (up) the possibility to...]
Valet /ˈvæl.eɪ/,someone at a hotel or restaurant who puts your car in a parking space for you.

The museum houses some Roman artifacts (alberga)
Let's call it €20 (vamos a dejarlo)
Let's call it a day (vamos a dejarlo por hoy)

We don't have to do any homework. This is all for you.
See you on Thursday
Silvia T.

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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2a:76] Class summary for January 21st


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Cristina de la Torre Chamorro
Date: Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 9:58 PM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2a:76] Class summary for January 21st
To: "" <>

Hello classmates!

At the beginning of class, we remembered the stories on page 33, and we talked in pairs about -it +them.
Later, we listened +TO the ends of the stories.

Interesting words or expressions from -that +there:

  • Treat: Ocasión/ experiencia especial.
  • To treat: Dar un capricho
  • To face: Enfrentarse.
  • To faze: Sorprender/ asustar
  • At the time: En aquel momento.
  • "He was acting out of concern": Estaba actuando movido por la preocupación.
  • To spy- spied- spied + ON: Espiar.
  • To confesse + TO: confesar
  • Under control: Bajo control.
  • In the meantime: Mientras tanto.
  • "The judge handed down a suspended sentence": El juez dictó sentencia.
  • To stand trial: Ser juzgado.
  • To impose: Imponer.
  • "At the trial it emerged that..." : En el juicio salió a la luz que...
  • "The prosecutor dropped the charches against him": El fiscal retiró los cargos contra él.
  • "She admitted TO reading his text messages": Ella admitió sus mensajes de texto.
  •                         prep.
  • "He describes himself as relieved but angry": Él le describe como aliviado pero enfadado.
  • "Neither the police nor the authorities": Ni la policia ni las autoridades.

Later, we did the listening on page 34 and we did exercise 1.
In -adittion +addition, we learned some new expressions:

  • "For just this once": Sólo por esta vez.
  • "Let's call it 20 €": Vamos a dejarlo en 20 €.
  • "Let`s call it a day": Vamos a dejarlo por hoy.

This is all we did in class.

See you!

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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2c:81] Fwd: Class summary for January 20th

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: M. Rosa Hidalgo 
Date: Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 9:27 PM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2c:81] Fwd: Class summary for January 20th

Hi guys|

I'm María Rosa and I'm going to write a brief summary about the class on Monday.

Firtsly, we started +BY correcting the exercises -en +on page 138.

After +that, we -passed +[went on] to the vocabulary on lesson 3 page 32

   -     PM                    --  Primer Ministro

   -     MP                    --  Miembro del Parlamento

   -     DEATH TOLL      --  Coste de vida

   -     VOWS               --   Promesas

   -     BACKs CALLS   --   Respaldas

   -     MAZE                 --   Laberinto

   -     SET TO               --  Seguramente

After that, we continued with the exercise 3 on page 32 and we did little stories

about the different headlines that -had +[there were] in -the exercise 1.

Also, we corrected the exercises Reading and  Listening-

Jose Luis explained -us different verbs to speak about the future in the text

   -    Present Simple        --  vows, breaks

   -    Future                     -- infinitive with to:  . to close
                                                                    to cause

                                                                    to -lighen +tighten

    -   To be to  --  this verb is used: to order
                                                   to passive

Finally we -talk +talked about the articles on page  33

     Se you in class

         Mar'ia Rosa



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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2a:74] News of the day

Certainly, it's most outrageous!

And we don't even know if the pet service was any good :p

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sara Cuesta Asensio 
Date: Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 4:49 PM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2a:74] News of the day

Hello classmates. 

I want to share with you a piece of news on the San Francisco chronicle, in relation to crimes, such as we worked on our latest lesson. 

What do you think about someone who uses privileged information to commit a crime? To be honest, I believe Mrs Kirk and Mr Ortega-Ramos should be prosecuted and sentenced to jail. Who knows how much money have they earned? How many things have been stolen? How many properties have been violated thanks to their business ? Are 500,000$ a fair bale for each one? 

Well, we have to wait for the trial to find out if they are guilty or not guilty. I hope justice is done. 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2b:80] Class summary for January 16th

Watch out for tense usage!

Review links from previous "grammar" posts.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mercedes Ríos 
Date: Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 3:21 PM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2b:80] Class summary for January 16th

Hello classmates!
At the beginning of class, we corrected the homework: practice 2 on page 138.
After -of that, we did the listening of exercise 2a on page 31. First we did -individual +[it individually] and -them +then, we -[were working] +[workED on it] in pairs. We -[were answering] +answerED the questions we had written down before. In this exercise, new vocabulary -has appeared:
o   CRAFT= skill and experience, especially in relation to making objects. (Artesanía) Example: How long have you been learning to make crafts?
Afterwards, we did vocabulary exercises 1, 2a and 3 on page 32 and we -[was practicing] +practicED speaking.
We found new words:
o   PM= Prime Minister
o   MP= Member of Parliament.

o   TO PASS LAW: aprobar una ley. Examples: The law was passed 3 weeks ago = It was made into law 3 week ago.

o   TIGHT= Apretado, ajustado.
o   TO TIGHTEN= to become tighter or to make something become tighter, firmer, or less easy to move. Apretar.
o   LOOSE= not tight. Suelto, flojo.

o   WIDTH= the distance across something from one side to the other. Ancho.
o   TO WIDEN= make more wide. Ensanchar.
o   TO BROADEN= to become wider, or to cause something to become wider. Ensanchar.

o   STRENGTH= force. Fuerza.
o   TO STRENGTHEN= to make something stronger or more effective, or to become stronger or more effective. Fortalecer.
o   WEAK= not strong, or not strong enough to work, last, succeed, persuade, or be effective. Débil
o   TO WEAKEN= to (cause to) become less strong. Debilitar

o   SUB + IS/ARE + GOING THROUGH = estar atravesando. Example: She's going -throught +through a lot these days.

Finally, we read the -[notices were] +headlines on page 33 and we did exercises 2a and 3a on page 32 about reading and listening. We wrote down some vocabulary:

o   DEBT= something, especially money, that is owed to someone else, or the state of owing something. Deuda. For example reimburse a debt (rembolso)
o   TO SET: to get something ready and prepared. Example: We all set (ya lo tenemos todo preparado)

This is all for you. We don't have to do any homework.
See you next Tuesday!
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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2a:72] Class summary for January 16th

Thanks Mayca!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mayca 
Date: Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 12:15 AM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2a:72] Class summary for January 16th

Hi classmates,

We first started last class by checking homework on page 138 +, exercises 1,2,3.

Secondly +, we listened to -the audio 3.6 again. It -goes +is about some answers -that +[for which] we had to guess what the questions were.

After that, we listened to -the audio 3.7 with both -, questions and answers. Then we worked in -pair +pairs asking those questions or others to each other.

Finally +, we also did exercises 1,2a,3, Reading and Listening 1,2a,3a about newspaper headlines and articles. 
We learned that newspaper headlines use the Present simple to talk about the past. To talk about -de +the future, headlines use the Infinitive with to. The verb be, articles, relative pronouns and auxiliary verbs are commonly missing from headlines.

Set phrases and vocabulary:

I can't get the hang of it: No consigo cogerle el tranquillo                         P.M. : Prime Minister
I'm all thumbs : Soy un manazas/torpe                                                      M.P. : Member of Parliament
On your marks, get set, go: Preparados, listos ya                                    to be to : estar a punto de...
We're all set: Hemos terminado                                                                vow : jurar, prometer
                                                                                                                  flooding : inundación
                                                                                                                  back (v.) : respaldar, apoyar
                                                                                                                  tighten : intensificar
                                                                                                                  maze : laberinto
                                                                                                                  death toll : número de víctimas
                                                                                                                  reimburse : reembolsar a alguien algo
                                                                                                                  pay off : reembolsar una deuda, saldar
That all! Have a good time!
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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2b:77] SUMARY

Careful with tense usage!!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sandra Rodríguez Alburquerque
Date: Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 9:07 PM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2b:77] SUMARY

Hi guys!
I am sorry about the delay. I was too busy yesterday.


Last Tuesday we did some activities in class:
We started the class +BY doing -the exercise 2a in page 30. we had to read the questionnaire and check the meaning of the words and phrases in bold and -no +not in bold:

We -highlight +highlightED -this +these words and sentences:

-          harsh: estricto
-          lenient: pasota [no tanto... "poco severo, blando"]
-          punishment: castigo
-          submits: presentar/ entregar
-          plagiarism: plagio
-          receive a warning: recibir un aviso
-          expelled: expulsado del colegio, para siempre
-          fraud: fraude
-          play truans/cut class/skip class: hacer pellas, hacer novillos
-          Be suspendded: expulsado unos días
-          Be prosecuted: acusado
-          Anti-social behaviour: comportamiento antisocial
-          Be evicted: desalojo
-          Tenants: alquilados
-          Who fall behind in their +rent: que se retrasen sus pagos
-          Learn to cope: aprender a -cooperar +[asumir algo / aguantarse con algo]
-          Serve a sentence: cumplir condena
-          Drink-drivind: conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol
-          Let off with a warning: dejar ir con un aviso
-          Lose his licence: perder el carnet
-          He should be given: deberían darle
-          Community service: servicios comunitarios
-          To beg/ begging: mendigar/ mendigando
-          Be fined/giving a ticket: las dos significan pagar una multa, la primera, en ingles británico y la segunda, americano.
-          Charged with: cargos de los que se le acusa
-          In jail: en la cárcel, no se utiliza el artículo.
-          Suspended sentence: libertad vigilada
-          Take into care: quitar la tutela

After that, we -remind +reviewED the different crimes:

-          blackmail: chantaje
-          theft: robar (no en exceso)
-          robbery: robar
-          murder: asesino
-          rape: violación
-          kidnapping: secuestro
-          thief: ladrón
-          manslaughter: homicidio
-          hijacking: secuestro de autobús, avión...
-          libel: calumnia, difamación.
-          Assault: asalto en la calle
-          Burglary: robo, pero en una casa, oficina etc...
-          Arson: pirómano
-          jay-walking: cruzar sin mirar
-          cheating: copiar
-          trespassing: allanamiento de morada
-          smuggler: contrabando/ falsificación

After that, we did -the exercise 1 on page 31 : Chose the best answer to complete the cartoons.
We had +TO choose the correct answers between two verbal -tense +tenses in the cartoon of British humour.

To finish, we -[had seen] +saw very quickly the PRACTICE 1 on page 31; "work in pairs. Choose the best answer to complete the conversation below. Give reasons"

See you this afternoon!
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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado