Hi guys! This is my turn to summarise last class for February 5th.
From my point of view, the class could be divided -in +into three parts:
1. Reviewing passive voice: exercises, grammar and some vocabulary.
2. Playing in group: word stress exercise
3. Reading.
We started the class by correcting homework which -were +was [incontable] the following:
· Exercise 1 on page 126
· Exercises 1 and 2 on pages 140 and 141.
We also reviewed the “Grammar use and non-use of the passive voice” and if you want, you can have a look on page 140.
Nevertheless, I add two important constructions that we have to assimilate in this course:
The first is normally used for formal writing:
- It is said that…(se dice)
- It is thought that…(se piensa)
And second, we can omit the subject (participio de pasado) if it´s the same in both sentences, like this example:
- While (----) talking on the phone, she said that…
However, we can´t omit the subject when it´s not the same. See the difference in this example:
- While he was talking, she said that…
-For +From the foregoing exercises that we worked +on, we could learn a set of new vocabulary like:
ORDEAL – Odisea
TURN DOWN - Rechazado
UNEXPECTEDLY – Inexperadamente
(Retrospectiva) (Perspicacia) (Previsión)
CURSE – Maldición y también periodo, menstruación
TRICK (Sb) INTO – Engañar a alguien en …
TELLER – Adivino y cajero (de banco)
José Luis gave us some different words and we had to organize them depending on their stress and number of syllables.
First, we worked in group and after a while we corrected them.
As a result we made the following classification.
Anx ious Su ffer
En vy Scien ce
Su pport A ware De pressed
In volve In volved De press
Su ffe ring Sci en tist
Su ffe rer En vi ous
Su ppor tive Su ppor ter In vol ment
De pre ssing De pre ssion Awa re ness
An xi e ty So ci e ty
Psy cho lo gy Psy cho lo gist
Sci en ti fic
We finally moved on +to pages 38 and 39 and we read the test “What shapes our personality?
We spoke a little bit about the text with exercise 1a, 1b and we saw some vocabulary too:
SHAPE - Forma
NATURE - Naturaleza
NURTURE – Educación
PERSONALITY TRAITS – Rasgos de personalidad
In the following list, we can see how some nouns and adjective can be built on phrasal verbs:
To bring up (educar/criar) Upbringing (educación)
To come out (salir) Outcoming (resultado/consecuencia)
To set off (compensar) Offset (compensación)
To put off (posponer) Offputing (Adj. desagradable)
To go by (dejar pasar el tiempo) Bygones (algo pasado)
Let´s the bygones be bygones – lo pasado pasado está.
Next Monday we´ll continue working -with +on this reading.
Have a nice weekend!!