Wednesday, February 26, 2014

You need to have this sorted out...

Hi guys,

Some more examples and exercises on this structure we use when we arrange somebody to do something for us...


Would you like to have your homework done by somebody else? Would you like to get your English exam sat by an impostor? ... well, maybe this structure is not a good idea after all :)

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2c:107] Class summary for February 12th

Thanks, Olga

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Olga A
Date: Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 1:07 AM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2c:107] Class summary for February 12th
To: eoiI2-2013 <>

Hello, guys!

Here's a little summary for February 12th.

1. As introduction to the class we spoke about the photo on the top -on +of page 41 [sí, "on page z", pero "on top of ..."], and learnt some vocabulary:

          overall : mono They're wearing overalls
          astronaut : astronauta
          spacecraft: nave espacial
          aircraft: aeronave (avión, helicóptero...)
          vessel: a large boat or a ship
          crew /kroo/: tripulación The crew are formed of...

2. After that, we made exercises 1, 2, 3 and 4 -of +on the same page.

3. And during the class, we saw other words and expressions such as:

          cope with...: poder con...  I have so much work, I can't cope with!
          mad = crazy; maddening: enloquecedor
          shout at me
          avoid +-ing The crew avoided communicating...
          working hard: trabajar duro, but working hardly: trabajar apenas
          draw, drew, drawn: dibujar, but also draw a conclusion: sacar/extraer una conclusión
          I agree about/over

I hope you have a good Valentine's Day! Or just a good day!

See you.


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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2b:105] RE: Class summary for February 11th, 2014

Thanks, Jean!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: jean 
Date: Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 10:53 PM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2b:105] RE: Class summary for February 11th, 2014
To: "" <>

Hello everybody,

Yesterday we started the class +by reading the article "The future of your mind…according to Hollywood" and we worked +on exercises 1 & 2 on page 40 (left column). We also discussed about some vocabulary in the text:
  · Mind-bending /maɪnd/- /bendɪŋ/: something that changes or modify your mind (algo que cambia tu mente).  [es más como algo "enrevesado", "retorcido"]
  · To get rid of sth /ɡet/ /rɪd/ /əv/: to remove or throw away something unwanted (deshacers de/eliminar algo).
  · To split-up /ˈsplɪt.ʌp/: an occasion when two people end their relationship (romper una relación de pareja).
  · To plant /plɑːnt/: To put something or someone in a position secretly, especially in order to deceive someone (Plantar / Implantar).
  · Record /rɪˈkɔːd/: to keep information for the future, by writing it down or storing it on another device like a computer, disk, etc. (Grabar).
  · Play back /pleɪ/ /bæk/: If you play back something that has been recorded, you put it through a machine so that you can listen to it or watch it (volver a poner).

Some additional vocabulary:
  · Footing /ˈfʊt.ɪŋ/: the fact of standing firmly on a slope on a slope or other dangerous surface (mantener el equilibrio).
  · Muscles /ˈmʌs.l̩/ one of many tissues in the body that can tighten and relax to produce movement (Músculos).
  · Mussel /ˈmʌs.əl/: (Mejillón) à Mussel se pronuncia prácticamente igual que Muscle.
  · A seed /siːd/: a small, round, or oval object produced by a plant and from which, when it is planted, a new plant can grow (semilla).

After that, we read the grammar box, also on page 40, and José Luis explained to us another kind of passive form structure, using have and get: have/get + something + past participle.
This is commonly used in expressions to say that somebody does something for you. It can be used in all of the tenses.

For instance: Today I have/get my hair cut at the hairdresser's. [Today I had / Today I'm having...]
I have my hair cut twice a month.

Then we did exercises 1 & 2 (right column on the same page) and exercise 3 on page 41 to practice that type of passive form.
Afterwards we worked +on exercise 4 (page 41) which was connected to the previous exercise: firstly we listened to a phone conversation and finally we worked in pairs or groups of three to prepare a brief dialogue using +the passive form with have/get.

To finish the class, some of us played the dialogue.

Homework: Page 141, Practice 2, Exercises 1, 2 & 3.

See you all tomorrow.

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Ms Bermejo's classes: Kissing Quotes

What's your favorite? Do you have any other good one?

Any other kiss-quote, as time goes by?

Leave a comment below!

Ms Bermejo's classes: Kissing Quotes: Happy Valentine! Why not read some kissing quotes today?  You may also listen to them in this Hot English Magazine link. Have good day!  ...

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Fwd: Class summary for february 10th

Thanks, Samuel. Nice one, and quite a lot of work to do on it!

[1] want to + inf. Creo que este error puede deberse a no haber entendido del todo lo que explicábamos hace unos días sobre "to" cuando es preposición. No decimos: "I want to a book" ... no tiene sentido usar un nombre detrás de ese "to" (decimos I want a book), luego ese "to" NO es preposición, sino parte de un verbo, y usamos infinitivo.

[2] Curiosamente este verbo suele funcionar con el indirecto, como los españoles: remind ("recordar", solo cuando no es "acordarse")

[3] Esto hay dos formas de arreglarlo, hay que establecer la secuencia correctamente:
-  "reminded us I like to keep my house clean and, after laughing at me, he told us the story about..."
-  "reminded us I like to keep my house clean and after that, he laughed at me and he told us the story about..."
But I didn't mean to laugh at you... I thought we all laughed together! I'm sorry if it didn't come across right :(

[4] Remind y remember son como recordar y acordarse cuando no son lo mismo

[5] Cuidado con ese "pudimos aprender / discutir..." Could no funciona directamente como un pasado normal, es un modal. Lo normal es ponerlo en pasado simple, o si quieres enfatizarlo un poco: We had a chance to discuss the meaning of ... [ después pudimos discutir / tuvimos oportunidad de discutir los significados de...]

[6] Review compound adjectives. More examples.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Samuel Señas 
Date: Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 8:14 PM
Subject: Class summary for february 10th


Fortunately this is my turn to summarise last class -for +on February 10th.

First of all, I should apologize because I was late. I lost the -begging +beginning of the class. But when I went into the class Jose Luis was trying to explain some words of the text that you can look on page 38-39.

 For example:
Background check, that means “comprobar antecedentes”
Agreeable that means “apacible”.
Stricking similarities that means “situaciones chocantes”
Conscientious “concienzudo”
Finicky, “puntilloso”
Fools, “Simplones”
They may not mean, “Ellos puede que no lo pretendan”
Today I was just fooling around all the day, “Hoy he vagueado durante todo el día”
(In that very moment Jose Luis reminded +us [2] I like to keep -clean my house +clean and after that he laughed at me +and [3] he told us the story about a girl that -do wanted to -flirting +FLIRT [1]  with him and he didn’t realise. I think he was a little bit -absent-mind +absent-minded because in that moment his mind went blank. Finally, in front of a beautiful girl he made up his mind and he remembered who she was because he reminded her story with -a +an old boyfriend.)
Fool around, “Tontear”
Stern, “Popa”
Soppy, “Sensiblero”
One other´s throats, “Están a la gresca”
Hand on, “dar de unos a otros”
Costal shelf, “Fondo marino”

We -also could +also enjoy -with an incredible performance. Jose Luis performed a poem. He -play +played very well, I´m really considering -[recruitment in] +[recruiting him for] my next play. -Remind +Remember [4]  that I´m working -rigth +right now +as a director of theatre. (I take this opportunity to say that -the next week some people of the class will come to see my new performance and, of course, you can join -to us. We +will enjoy the play and after that we will have a beer +, all -people together in the Latina.)

After that, we did -the exercise number 4. We -[could discuss] +discussed about those questions. First with our partner and then together.

Later we -[could learn] +learned [5] +the different -meaning +meanings of mind. You can find +them on page 39 and we listened +TO three short -conversation +conversations with this word.

Mind the gap, “Atención con el hueco”
Don´t mind, “No me importa”
Never mind, “No pasa nada”
Would you mind + ing, “Te importaría…”
Mind your own business, “Ocúpate de tus asuntos”
My mind went blanck, “Mi mente se quedo en blanco”
Absent-mind -minded [6], “Despistado”
Open-mind -minded [6], “Abierto”
Speak your mind, “Expresate”
Make up your Mind, “Aclara tus ideas”
Change your mind

Samuel Señas


Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2b:100] Class summary for February 6 th

Thanks Silvia.

This is the link to the poem we read at the very end:

Sing agreeably, agreeably, agreeably of love

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Silvia Cordon 
Date: Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 6:48 PM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2b:100] Class summary for February 6 th

Class summary for February 6 th
Hello classmates!
At the beginning of class, we read the article on page 38 and we answered the questions in exercise 3. After that ,we learnt a poem by Philip Larris Larkin,who wrote very hard words about his family.
The poem is this:
They fuck you up , your mum and dad
They may not mean to, but they do
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some extra ,just for you
But they were fucked up in their turn
By fool in old stile hats and coats
Who half the time were soppy -stern
And half at one another´s throats
Man hands on misery to man
It deepens like a coastal shelf
Get out as early as you can,
And don´t have any kids yourself.
We saw new vocabulary that had appeared it.
stɜːn/dejarse llevar por los sentimientos.
/sɒp.i/ moved by feeling , emotionally unrestrained.
/θrəʊt/noun ,garganta.
To have a sore throat.
To fool about/around :
hacer el tonto
Stop fooling about and pay attention to me.
Fool´s day -April fool day:
/ˌeɪ.prəl'fuːlzˌdeɪ /dia de los inocentes.
At each other´s throats:
están siempre metiendose uno con el otro.
Those two are always at each other´s throats.
Hands onˌ:
/hænd.'zɒn/pasar de uno a otro , tomar decisiones.
She is very much a hands on manager.
Get out:
noun/get.aʊt /abandonalo.
Coastal shelf:
plataforma costera.
After that , we worked in groups and we discussed the questions on page 38, exercise 4.
We learned more vocabulary.
/ʌn'greɪt.fəl/ desagradecidos.
A conscientious student.
/fɪn.ɪ.ki/ pone atención a los detalles , tiquismiquis.
/ə'griː.ə.bl̩/ adj. agradable.
We spent a most agreeable evening by the river.
No strings attached:
sin compromisos.
Later,we did on page 38 exercise 4.3 of pronunciation.
Then we learnt different uses , phrasal verbs and expressions with mind
on page 39, exercise 1.
Speak your mind : di lo que piensas
Make up your mind: decidite
Change your mind: cambiar de idea careful:

Mind your head:se cuidadoso con tu cabeza

3. (not) a problem:

I don´t mind: no importa
Never mind: no te preocupes


Something on your mind: alguna cosa que te da vueltas en la cabeza


Open-minded: abierto de mente
Absent-minded: distraido

6.forgetting /remenbering:

My mind went blank: quedarse en blanco

7.spoken phrases:

Mind your own business: metete en tus asuntos.


Would you mind/-ing:Pedir un favor
-These words come from the greek.

Go blank/or blank out:
to become unconscious:
llegar a quedarse inconsciente.
/liːtʃ/noun. sanguijuelas.
/laɪ.tʃiː/noun. fruta tipica de China.
Background check:
comprobar los antecedentes.
Check -up:
/tʃek.ʌp/noun. chequeo médico.
She goes to her doctor for regular check -ups.
A dental check -up.
/dɪ'reɪndʒd/adj. fuera de si mismo,loco.
Striking similarities:
llamativas similaridades.
/straɪ.kɪŋ/adj. extraordinario, llamativo.
/pɪər/noun. compañeros,los iguales.
persona en Inglaterra con alta posición social.
/flem/ flemas.
permanecer calmado.
/fleg'mæt.ɪk/ adj. no se emociona con las cosas.
 /'heɪ.deɪ/noun. periodo cumbre de alguien o de algo.
In her heyday.
/'ʌpˌbrɪŋ.ɪŋ/ educación.
+At The end of class the teacher showed us a love poem.
This is all for you.We don´t have to do any homework.
See you next tuesday.


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Friday, February 7, 2014

My That's English!: The restaurant that serves up rejected food

The most I can say is I think it's an interesting initiative... not quite sure I would go there, though.

Leave your comments below!

My That's English!: The restaurant that serves up rejected food: The restaurant that serves up rejected food is a four-minute video clip from the BBC series Stop and Start . Rub and Stub is a Danish re...

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2c:101] CLASS SUMMARY FOR FEBRUARY 5th

Thanks, Luz. Very structured and effective!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Luz Vioque 
Date: Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 10:14 PM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2c:101] CLASS SUMMARY FOR FEBRUARY 5th

Hi guys! This is my turn to summarise last class for February 5th.
From my point of view, the class could be divided -in +into three parts:
1.    Reviewing passive voice: exercises, grammar and some vocabulary.
2.    Playing in group: word stress exercise
3.    Reading.

We started the class by correcting homework which -were +was [incontable] the following:
·         Exercise 1 on page 126
·         Exercises 1 and 2 on pages 140 and 141.
We also reviewed the “Grammar use and non-use of the passive voice” and if you want, you can have a look on page 140.
Nevertheless, I add two important constructions that we have to assimilate in this course:
The first is normally used for formal writing:
-      It is said that…(se dice)
-      It is thought that…(se piensa)
And second, we can omit the subject (participio de pasado) if it´s the same in both sentences, like this example:
-      While (----) talking on the phone, she said that…
However, we can´t omit the subject when it´s not the same. See the difference in this example:  
-      While he was talking, she said that…

-For +From the foregoing exercises that we worked +on, we could learn a set of new vocabulary like:  
ORDEAL – Odisea
TURN DOWN - Rechazado
UNEXPECTEDLY – Inexperadamente
HINDSIGHT               vs                    INSIGHT                    vs        FORESIGHT
(Retrospectiva)                                  (Perspicacia)                         (Previsión)
CURSE – Maldición y también periodo, menstruación 
TRICK (Sb) INTO – Engañar a alguien en …
TELLER – Adivino y cajero (de banco)

José Luis gave us some different words and we had to organize them depending on their stress and number of syllables.  
First, we worked in group and after a while we corrected them.
 As a result we made the following classification.  

Anx ious                             Su ffer
En vy                                 Scien ce
Su pport          A ware        De pressed
In volve         In volved           De press
Su ffe ring                            Sci en tist
Su ffe rer                             En vi ous
Su ppor tive   Su ppor ter       In vol ment
De pre ssing   De pre ssion  Awa re ness
An xi e ty                          So ci e ty
Psy cho lo gy                  Psy cho lo gist
Sci en ti fic
We finally moved on +to pages 38 and 39 and we read the test “What shapes our personality?
We spoke a little bit about the text with exercise 1a, 1b and we saw some vocabulary too:
SHAPE - Forma
NATURE - Naturaleza
NURTURE – Educación
PERSONALITY TRAITS – Rasgos de personalidad
In the following list, we can see how some nouns and adjective can be built on phrasal verbs:  
To bring up (educar/criar)                  Upbringing (educación)
To come out   (salir)                          Outcoming (resultado/consecuencia)
To set off (compensar)                      Offset (compensación)
To put off (posponer)                         Offputing (Adj. desagradable)
To go by (dejar pasar el tiempo)       Bygones (algo pasado)
Let´s the bygones be bygones – lo pasado pasado está.

Next Monday we´ll continue working -with +on this reading.  

Have a nice weekend!!

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Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2a:93] Class summary for February the 6th

Thanks, Sara!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sara Cuesta Asensio 
Date: Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 8:16 PM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2a:93] Class summary for February the 6th

Hello guys.

This afternoon, we worked on +the text on page 38. The first excersise we did was number 3 by answering in our own words the questions. Then we discussed about the questions on excersise number 4. In this respect, we added some new expressions to our vocabulary, such as I can't' be bothered (no puedo ser molestado), background check (verificación de antecedentes), striking similarities (sorprendentes similitudes). 
Be careful with this similar words: 
Leeches (disgusting worm that +feed +feeds itself on blood from humans or animals)
Lyches (a fruit)
On the USA the prononciation is excatly the same!

We learnt a poeme by Philip -Larris +Larkin, who wrote  very hard -word +words about -him +his family. Look:

They fuck you up, your mum and dad.   
    They may not mean to, but they do.   
They fill you with the faults they had
    And add some extra, just for you.

But they were fucked up in their turn
    By fools in old-style hats and coats,   
Who half the time were soppy-stern
    And half at one another’s throats.

Man hands on misery to man.
    It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as you can,
    And don’t have any kids yourself.

Then we learnt different uses, phrasal verbs  and expressions with MIND on page 39. 

And finally, on page 41 we -discuss +discussED about 6 people who spent one year and a half inside a space capsule and later we listened to the interview from a radio programme about the experiment. 

Mind your head! Tomorrow is a working day ;)

Enviado desde mi iPad
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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Re: [eoi-english-2013-ni2a:88] Class summary for February 4st

Thanks, David, very thorough!

On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 11:43 AM, David Vera  wrote:

Hi classmates!!

Last Tuesday we started the class by correcting the homework: practice on pages 140-141, and “Comunication activities” of Unit 4 on page 126. With these exercises we reviewed passive sentences, which were explained in the previous class. The teacher referred to the table on page 140 where it is explained the use and non-use of passive.

After that, we practiced word stress with a game. In pairs or threesomes, we had to group several words depending on the stressed syllable.

Then, we opened the book on pages 38 and 39 and we did exercises 1, 2 and 3. Working in pairs, we discussed about what we understood by the phrase "nature or nurture"; we read the article “What shapes our personality?; and we chose -that +which picture illustrated each paragraph (picture A-paragraphs 1; picture B-paragraphs 2; picture C-paragraphs 3: picture D-paragraphs 7). Afterwards, we did exercise 3 answering the questions according to the text we had read minutes before.

Later, Jose Luis told us that we had +[to be] careful with the pronunciation of the following words because these words have the same pronunciation:

                              /st/                                                                /st/

Passed  -   past                                            Missed   -   mist

Finally, we learnt some vocabulary and new expressions:

Ordeal: Odisea

Teller: Cajero (la persona que atiende en ventanilla, no la máquina)

Fortune-teller: Adivinador del futuro

Curse: Menstruación/Maldición

Course: Curso

Nature: Naturaleza

Nurture: Nutrir, acrecentar, alimentar

Personality traits: Rasgos de personalidad

Bile: Bilis

Blood: Sangre

Play truant: Hacer novillos

Black slates: Pizarras en blanco

Nature or nuture: Se nace o se hace

Let the bygones by bygones: Lo pasado, pasado está (“pelillos a la mar”)

In days gone by: En los días pasados

This is all for you. We don't have to do any homework.

See you in the afternoon!

David Vera
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Re: [eoi-english-2013-ni2b:94] class summary for February 4

Thanks, Cristina.

[1] Come on, guys! ¡El infinitivo de propósito tenemos que dominarlo este año!

[2] este se usa con distintas preposiciones según el siginificado: in y of

[3] Careful: "todos" no es simplemente "all"

Repasa el uso de los artículos: como norma general ponemos artículo excepto si hablamos en general. "I like the music" (la que está sonando); "I like music" (me gusta la música en general)

On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 8:43 PM, cristina cervantes wrote:
Hi classmates,
At the beginning of class, we did -the exercise 1 of page 126 (Brain facts). -[For doing] +[To do] [1] this exercise we needed to make sentences in +the passive voice.
After that, we corrected some exercises on page 140 and 141 about +the passive voice too. -[All exercises aren´t] +[Not all exercises were] corrected because on page 141 we only did the text, +in which +we had to complete the gaps with the correct form of the verb.
Finishing this, the teacher gave us a game, which consisted -to +in [2] reading some words in pairs and we had to group -it +them. We told the words to the classmate and then together pronunced the -force +stressed syllable. The results were:

                     : envy, science, suffer, anxious

                     : aware, depress, depressed, support, involve, involved

                          : suffering, scientist, sufferer, envious

                           : supporter, depression, depressing, supportive, involvement, awareness

                                   :psychology, psychologist, anxiety

                               : scientific

(the big square is the -force +stressed syllable)
When the game finished -all +[everybody / we all] [3] changed page and then all opened +the book on page 38. The teacher explained +the difference between nature and nurture. We did -the exercise 1 and also read +the text: “What shapes our personality?”. After +that [notes], we linked pictures with each number of the text.
The teacher wrote +this in +the blackboard -this:
·         To bring up(phrasal verbs)-----------upbringing(noum)
·         To come out……………………………...outcome
·         To set off---------------------------------the offset
·         To put off---------------------------------offputting
·         To go by-----------------------------------bygone

The end of +the class came, and the teacher tried to solve a -doub +doubt and then he looked -for +up a song: “As time Goes by” -of +by Frank Sinatra.
This is all for you. We don´t have to do any homework.
I hope -being +[to have been] useful!
See you next thrusday!                             
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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado