Tuesday, December 24, 2013

A true Christmas story

When four of Santa's elves got sick, the trainee elves did not produce toys as fast as the regular ones, and Santa began to feel the Pre-Christmas pressure. Then Mrs. Claus told Santa her Mother was coming to visit, which stressed Santa even more.
When he went to harness the reindeer, he found that three of them were about to give birth and two others had jumped the fence and were out, heaven knows where.
Then when he began to load the sleigh, one of the floorboards cracked, the toy bag fell to the ground and the toys were scattered. Frustrated, Santa went in the house for a cup of apple cider and a shot of rum. When he went to the cupboard, he discovered the elves had drunk all the cider and hidden the liquor. In his frustration, he accidentally dropped the cider jug, and it broke into hundreds of little glass pieces all over the kitchen floor. He went to get the broom and found the mice had eaten all the straw off the end of the broom.
Just then the doorbell rang, and an irritated Santa marched to the door, yanked it open, and there stood a little angel with a great big Christmas tree. The angel said very cheerfully, "'Merry Christmas, Santa. Isn't this a lovely day? I have a beautiful tree for you. Where would you like me to stick it? " And thus began the tradition of the little angel on top of the Christmas tree.   

Friday, December 20, 2013

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2b:64] Class summary for December 17th

Thanks, Pilar. Merry Christmas!

[1] "estas prácticas son para estudiar"... Es la utilidad de una cosa, no la intención: "for studying" ... Aunque también queda muy natural si ponemos un adjetivo de por medio.

Check the patterns we use with relevance

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From: Pilar Ramos 
Date: Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 1:53 PM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2b:64] Class summary for December 17th
To: eoi-english-2013-ni2b@googlegroups.com

We started the class by checking the homework. (p. 137 PRACTICE 1. Practices 1, 2 and 3). These practices are +good [1] to study the different uses of past tenses: past simple, past continuous, past perfect simple and past perfect continuous. It´s useful to think about the drawing with arrows, to know which is the correct tense we must use:
PASTß-------------------------------X-----àFUTURE (X= PRESENT)
Also, we can use the prepositions and adverbs to know which tense is the correct form. For example:
I had been living in my house FOR three years.
I live in my house SINCE 2010.
The teacher -remembered +reminded us +of/about the relevance of -[we have] +having a list with verbs with prepositions: explain TO, amazed AT… This list must be done by ourselves, of course!
After that we continued by working on pages 24 and 25 in the book.  The subjet was THE HAPPINES FORMULA. We made practices 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in these pages.
We learnt some words related to technology:
GADGET: aparatos, cachivaches: (Remember INSPECTOR GADGET, from our childhood, well, at least some of us we remember this cartoon)
CHORES: Tareas
DRUDGERY: Aburrido hasta el fastidio
DEVICE: Dispositivo, aparato
DISHWASHER: Lavaplatos
MICROWAVE: Microondas
MIXER: Batidora
OVEN: Horno
COFFEE MACHINE: Cafetera eléctrica (Machine that you plug -IT)
KETTLE: Kettle
Then, we saw a video and then we asked and discussed about it. We talked about technology in our -lifes +lives. We talked about +the next question: Is -the technology the key to happiness? We talked about the relevance -[to have] +[of having] goals in life.
Some expressions and verbs that we learnt:
As for /from: A partir de…
To take sth/sb for granted: Dar por hecho, tenerlo como seguro.
To bring up: Criar, educar
Educate ON the risks: Mind the word ON! This verb to the list! :)
Design INTO the future: (Idem)
To free UP: liberarnos (Idem)
Besides, we learnt the adverb UP, in some verbs we can find this word to intensify +the meaning.
At the end of the class, we did practice 5 on page 25. Next day, we'll listen to the audio again.
Next day we must tell -to José Luis +to give us a few -worksheet +worksheets for holidays.
Ah, and we learnt where TOGO is. Togo is in Africa, -[in the middle of] +between Ghana and Benin. In the north is Burkina Faso, and in the South… the ocean, +the Atlantic Ocean
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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

Monday, December 16, 2013

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2b:62] Class summary for December 12th

Thanks Beatriz ... and thanks to Lizzy too :p

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Date: Sun, Dec 15, 2013 at 6:42 PM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2b:62] Class summary for December 12th
To: eoi-english-2013-ni2b@googlegroups.com

Hello guys!

Thursday , we started  Unit 3 on page 26 of the Student´s Book about "Mishaps".  Firstly, we gave an example about list of mishaps of exercise 1 on page 26. Then, we did exercises 1, 2 and 3 on page 27 about the difference between Past Simple, Past Perfect, Past continuous and Past Perfect continuous. We know the grammar but sometimes, we use +it incorrectly. 

Finally, we did exercise 1a on page 27 to practice these verb tenses. 

In these exercises, new vocabulary has appeared:

- To  light (sth) up  /laɪt/  If you face or eyes light up, or if a smile lights up your face, you suddenly look happy

- Shuttle  /ˈʃʌt.l̩/ a vehicle or aircraft that travels regularly between two places.

- Illiterate  /ɪˈlɪt.ər.ət/ unable to read and write 

We have to do some homework  the exercises Practice1 on -pages +page 137.

 See you on 
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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2b:60] Class summary for November 10 th

Thanks, Luz

Very thorough!

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Date: Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 10:14 AM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2b:60] Class summary for November 10 th
To: "eoi-english-2013-ni2b@googlegroups.com" <eoi-english-2013-ni2b@googlegroups.com>

Hello everybody,
At the beginning of the class, we answered the following questions in pairs and after that we shared our point of view:
1) Have you ever been in a clinical test? Do you know anybody? Who has?
2) How long do you time a test for new drugs may last?
3) What could go wrong? Have you heard of any controversial cases?
We watched a video from an interesting Internet site called TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design). Ted is an organization known for its conferences dedicated to "Ideas worth spreading"("Ideas dignas de difundir") where we can find other videos with subtitles to practice English http://www.ted.com/

http://www.ted.com/talks/geraldine_hamilton_body_parts_on_a_chip.html (Video:Body parts on a chip)

The video was -regarding +from a conference about a new technology with ships to replicate different organs of +the human body. This technology could be useful to develop clinical testing
Afterwards we answered in pairs the following questions and then with the whole group:
1)      It is too good to be true?
2)      Do you find it misgiving in any way?

Interesting expressions extracted from the video were analyzed in class.These were.

1)      It fails more than it succeeds ("Falla más veces que lo que acierta")
2)      R&D "Research & development"
3)      The tools that we have are failing us. ("Las herramientas que tenemos nos están fallando")
Be careful with verbs as:
- To suggestà he suggests her buying a new car. 
- To recommendà Can you recommend me a restaurant (to me)?.
- To explainà the teacher explains us the lesson (to us).
4)      Guess what. They don't ("Sabes que/ que quieres que diga"). To express contrast
5)      It's nothing like what they have in the body ("No se parece en nada a lo que hay en el cuerpo")
6)      However, more often than not, animal model fait to predict what will happen in human. (frase hecha para decir "las mas de las veces/ la mayoría de las veces").
7)      Build and engineer a home away from home ("Un Segundo hogar, es como estar en su casa, una segunda casa o sitio confortable")
8)      The mechanical strain that the cells experience in our bodies ("La tensión mecánica que las células experimentan en nuestros cuerpos")
9)      We could, for example, mimic infection, where we add bacterial cells into the lung (to Mimic = to replicate/ imitate)
10)   Yeah mucus. Yuck.
a.       Mucus: a thick liquid produced inside the nose and other parts of the body.( "Moco"). Pronunciation /ˈmjuː.kəs/
b.      Snot: mucus produced in the nose ("Moco, o cosas duras que están dentro de la nariz"). Pronunciation  /snɑːt/ i
c.       mucous: the thin skin that covers the inside surface of parts of the body ( "Mucosa"). Pronunciation:/mjuː.kəs/
11)   An aerosol drug. ("Inhalador ").
12)   Does it change the beating of your heart? ("Latidos del corazón").
13)   A game changer ("Cambio de las reglas de juego")
14)   The pharmaceutical industry.  Pronunciation:/ˌfɑː.məˈsuː.tɪ.kəl/ 
15)   A full-blown attack ("Completamente desarrollado")
16)   Put the cartridge into the machine just like you would a CD and away you go. Plug and play, easy.
a.       Put the cartridge into the machine just like you would (put) a CD. (" El verbo to put puede omitirse en la segunda frase (put), por ser igual al de la primera frase")
b.      and away you go: ("A volar/ se acabo").
c.       Some of these adverse drug reactions can be fatal. ("Mortal, que alguien muere")
Finally, we watched the video again to answer these questions:
1)      How do the three different fluidic channels in the chip work?
-Air channel/blood channel/vacuum channel.
        2) Which different body organs are mentioned /shown to be replicated on chips?
                -Heart, lung, gut/intestine/bowels, kidney, skin, liver, bone marrow
        3) Which different diseases are mentioned?
                -Ebola, SARS, bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, irritable bowel syndrome, asthma, headache, allergy.
                - Bronchitis, pronunciation:  /brɒŋˈkaɪ.tɪs/ 
        4) What are the difficulties in testing drugs for children?
                Drugs are -[clinical testing] +[clinically tested] in adults.
        5) What is the ultimate advantage for the individuals?
                Personalized medicine
Other words:
1)Breakthrough: an important discovery or event that helps to improve a situation or provide 
ananswer to a problem. Pronunciation: /breik.θru:/
                - Scientists are hoping for a breakthrough in the search for a cure for cancer.
                 - A major breakthrough in negotiations has been achieved.
2) To be in good health, in poor health or in bad health:  we used the following expression to express the condition of the body and the state of being well or bad. Example: I am in good health.
            - In good health (adj) :in a good physical condition ("sano, con buena salud").
            - In bad health  (adj): in bad physical condition,(" mala salud, enfermo").
The teacher emphasized that these expression are used with the preposition IN.

That is all for now. See you soon.*:x enamorado
 Pd: Lorena: Try to watch the video and give us your opinion as +a biologist. 
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Fwd: Class summary 9th December

Thanks, Jesús.

Watch out for the past tense!!!

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Date: Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 8:00 PM
Subject: Class summary 9th December
To: jlmoises.skyline@gmail.com
Cc: eoi-english-2013-ni2c@googlegroups.com

Hi guys

In the last class -day [or "day of class"] we -talk +talkED about medical -test +tests: e.g. who had done some? for or against -of it?

Then we saw a video about Personalized Medicine in TED webside. This is the link if you want to see it:

We -talk +talkED about it and -learn +learnED these vocabulary and useful expressions:

breakthrough= progreso científico.

it fails more often than it succeeds= falla mas que acierta.

R&D= Research & Development. (I+D).

Lung= pulmón.

mimic= imitar.

yuck: expresión de asco (snot= moco).

guess what they don´t= oposición. [ejemplo]

It´s nothing like what...= no tiene nada que ver que...

Howewer, more often than not, animal models fail to predict...= la mayoria de las veces...

build a engineer a home way from home for the cells

mechanical strain= tensión mecánica.

beating= latido.

and away/off you go= y listo

fatal= deadly= mortal.

illness= diseases( mas genérica)= enfermedad.

a full-blown asthma attack= un ataque de asma en toda regla, totalmente desarrollado.

We +were asked about:

- CHIP WORK: air channel, blood channel, -vacumm +vacuum channel...
- BODY ORGANS: lung (pulmón), intestine/gut (intestino/tripas), liver (hígado), kidney (riñón), bone marrow (médula osea), heart (corazón).
- DISEASES: bronchitis, fibrosis, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, ebola, sars..

Finally, in page 26, we -talk +talkED about MISHAPS (CONTRATIEMPOS)/ BLUNDER (metedura de pata) at the end of the class.


Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

Monday, December 9, 2013

Life in chips & bits


  1. Have you ever been in a clinical test? Do you know anybody who has?
  2. How long do you think a test for new drugs may last?
  3. What could go wrong? Have you heard of any controversial cases?

Some grammar & Vocab

It fails more often than it succeeds
The tools that we have are failing us
Guess what. They don't.
It's nothing like what they have in the body
However, more often than not, animal models fail to predict what will happen in humans

build and engineer a home away from home for the cells.
the mechanical strain that the cells experience in our bodies.
We could, for example, mimic infection, where we add bacterial cells into the lung
 Yeah. Mucus. Yuck.  [compare with snot]
an aerosol drug. Those of you like me who have asthma, when you take your inhaler
Does it change the beating of your heart?
a game changer
the pharmaceutical industry
a full-blown attack
...put the cartridge into the machine just like you would a C.D., and away you go. Plug and play. Easy
some of these adverse drug reactions can be fatal.

Follow-up questions

  1. How do the three different fluidic channels in the chip work?
  2. Which different body organs are mentioned / shown to be replicated on chips?
  3. Which different diseases are mentioned?
  4. What are the difficulties in testing drugs for children?
  5. What is the ultimate advantage for the individual?


 Answers to some of the questions

2) lung, gut, intestine, irritable bowel syndrome, ebola, SARS
3) bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, asthma, liver, kidneys

Railway commuters in UK

Commuters! That favorite word of yours! (...and soaring prices of public transport)

Metro online

Is this the future of our public transport? 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2b:55] Class summary for December 5th

Thanks, Ivan.

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Date: Sun, Dec 8, 2013 at 2:15 PM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2b:55] Class summary for December 5th
To: eoi-english-2013-ni2b@googlegroups.com

Hi classmates!

Last Thursday, we started with a class survey about the -[day before's] +[previous day's] expressions. (Page 22)

-To make somebody happy (hacer feliz a alguien)
-To make somebody depressed (deprimir a alguien)
-To make somebody -jiggle +giggle(sacar una sonrisa a alguien)
-To annoy or to make somebody angry (fastidiar o enfadar a alguien)
-To make somebody feel stressed (estresar a alguien)
-To help somebody to relax (ayudar a alguien a relajarse)
-To scare somebody (asustar a alguien)
-To give somebody the creeps (dar grima/repelús a alguien)

We had to think one situation or one thing that makes us feel happy, depressed, etc.

Some useful language (page 23)
-One thing drives me mad... : una cosa que me saca de quicio...
-My biggest fear is...: mi mayor miedo es...
-Excuse me, can I get past?: ¿Perdón, me deja pasar?

Then, we had to work in pairs. Every pair had to ask people in the class about their situations. 

After that, when everybody had interviewed at least nine people, we explained to the class our findings. 

Some useful language (page 23)
-Several people find ... very ... : varias personas encuentran esto muy...
-A common thing that people ... about is ... : una cosa muy común sobre la cual la gente ... es ...
-One or two people are ... of ... :Una o dos personas ...
-The strangest/funniest thing I heard was: la cosa más extraña/más divertida que escuché fue ...

The last +thing we did was -the exercise 1 +on page 23. We had to choose a title from the exercise -[for writting] +[to write] a story. People in the class had to guess what title had been chosen by that person.

Some vocabulary learned at the class:
-Goosebumps: piel de gallina
-Torch: linterna
-Lantern: farol
-To sleep in: quedarse en la cama hasta tarde
-Smear: mancha
-To laugh at: reírse de
-Scum: repugnancia, asco
-Celtic: celta (/Keltic/)

See you on Tuesday!

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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2a:56] Class summary for December 5th

Thanks, Charo!

Careful with some important slips.

[1] Mira el poster de clase

[2] See other sample sentences here

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Date: Sat, Dec 7, 2013 at 6:25 PM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2a:56] Class summary for December 5th
To: "eoi-english-2013-ni2a@googlegroups.com" <eoi-english-2013-ni2a@googlegroups.com>

Hi classmates!

      We started the class by doing Task Speaking on page 22, 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 3a and 3b, using the three paragraphs of the table USEFUL LANGUAGE, on page 23.

      We also did exercices 1 and 2 Follow up writing on page 23

      -Of +About grammar, the teacher explained -us [1] that sometimes putting a verb in infinitive or in gerund -change +changeS the meaning, for instance:
I stopped to look at the views - Me detuve a mirar las vistas
I stopped looking at the views - Dejé de mirar las vistas

      After that, we learned some new expressions:
- Excuse me, can I get -passed +past [2] [I myself might have misspelt this last day; they sound the same, but the grammar is different] ? / Perdón, puedo pasar
- I think I'll skip that one  /  Eso te lo voy a pasar, en el sentido de "Eso no cuenta"
- To sleep in / To sleep longer than usual

      In adittion, we learned how not to confuse the meaning of:
- Scare, to feel fear or alarm "Dogs scare me""
- Thrill, to feel emotion or pleasure "It was a thrill to see Rome for the first time"
- Creepy, making you feel frightened "It was a creepy film"

      Finally, we discussed about how to pronounce -diferents +different [CAREFUL: adjetivo en plural!] words like: beer, bird, bear, beard....About this, the teacher -tell +told us that he is going to send +some material -of +on "pares mínimos", and Antonia has -sended +sent us a lot of pages linked with this topic. I send you another one.

      See you next day.

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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Fwd: Class sumary for December 2nd

Thanks, Miguel!

---------- Mensaje reenviado ----------
Fecha: martes, 3 de diciembre de 2013
Asunto: Class sumary for December 2nd
Para: eoi-english-2013-ni2c@googlegroups.com

Hi classmates:

We started the lesson by reviewing common mistakes like the correct use of present perfect, when we mustn't use the article "the", the problem of translation into English +of "estábamos" and "estuvimos" and some questions -relacionated +related to -with the vocabulary.

Then, we learnt -[to forming] +[how to form] nouns and gerunds: nouns are formed by adding suffixes as -ment, -ist or -ism; and gerunds are formed by adding the suffix -ing to the verb. Moreover, we did exercises about it (page 21, Practice 1 and 2).

We learnt that, although we can +sometimes write in the same way a noun and a verb, they -can +could be pronounced differently (e.g. a delegate and to delegate).

At last, the teacher explained -us the -contractive +contrastive stress: a word -[changes his] +[could change its] meaning -depends -depending if it's a noun or a verb (we can check this rule here, where +there are many examples: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8fHm0gXl9BONDVjMTk5MTItMjA3Yy00MGM4LTg5ZTctYmVlNTY2ODZlOTU2/edit )

That´s all, folks! See you!

Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2b:53] Class summary for December 3rd

Thanks, Diego, very useful!

[1] que no te asusten las enes. Os doy una explicación de por qué esto es así.

[2] See this other post.

[3] Cuidado con esos verbos del latín que no se usan como en español... mira el cartel que hay en clase (recommend, explain...)

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Date: Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 12:32 AM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2b:53] Class summary for December 3rd
To: eoi-english-2013-ni2b@googlegroups.com

Hi classmates!

At the -begining +beginning [1] of class, we corrected practices 1 and 2 on pages 134 and 135. The first practice is about forming -adjetives +adjectives [2] with positive and negative meaning by using prefixes and suffixes. In the other case, you have to form nouns with the correct suffixes or with the gerund.
Interesting words from these exercises:

- Penniless à pobre
- Membership à membresía, cuota, pago
You have to apply for membership of (US in) the sports club.
- Interviewee à el entrevistador
- Interviewer à el entrevistado
- Employee à el empleador, el jefe
- Employer à el trabajador

Watch out! The most important activity is -the exercise 3 on practice 2. We usually use the gerund (verb-like noun) to describe general activities and after prepositions.

Later, we corrected exercise 2 ("practice") on page 21. The aim of this exercise is the same than the others. In this case, you should form the correct noun with the  -appropiate +appropriate  -suffixe +suffix or gerund form.
An interesting expression that probably nobody -[have never] +[(in class) has ever] used:

- It goes without saying that... à No hace falta decir que... (para cosas muy evidentes). It goes without saying that a well-balanced diet is good for your health.

During the class we saw these words and expressions:

- Pay for/ pay (only):
- When we pay a thing (-tangigle +tangible things) that isn´t a rent, income, etc; we use "for":
Pay for dinner
Pay for your phone
Pay for your holidays

- And when we pay a rent, income, etc.; we don´t use "for":
Pay the sent
Pay the bill
Pay taxes

- Move/ movement:
- The second option is a noun, but the first can be a verb and also a noun.
For a long time after the accident, he had no movement (noun) in his legs.
You shloud make a move (noun).

- Suffixe "hood":

- Neighbourhood à barrio, vecindario

                                 There were lots of kids in my neighbourhood when [I??] was growing up.

- Fatherhood à paternidad
- Motherhood à maternidad
I don't feel ready for motherhood yet.

- Botherhood / sisterhood à hermandad (religiosa, por ej. de Semana Santa)
la buena relación (de colegueo) entre hermanos/as y en general entre hombres/ mujeres
- Adulthood à adultez

* Curious thing: Hood (capucha) à Robin Hood. [y un "hoody" es una sudadera con capucha]

When we finished the exercises, José Juis explained -us [3] some widespread mistakes (errores comunes, genrealizados) from our summaries in order to improve our writtings [1]. The most important point according to our level is that we can´t confuse the English perfect time with the use of this time in Spanish. Also, he showed us some words that we -traduce +translate from the Spanish, but we don´t use them in the correct way.

Last day, we have corrected / corrected the photocopy / worksheet

You can see a better explanation in the next link:

-At +In the last 20 minutes, we did exercise 1 and 2 ("preparation listening") on page 22. We listened +TO the dialogue and answered some questions. Probably we will repeat the listening tomorrow because we didn´t have -got much time.
Interesting words:

- Giggle à reírse tontamente.
- Creep à "dar cosa" (repelús)
vb: arrastrarse, moverse sigilosamente
Someone was creeping around outside my window.
n: ser un trepa, un pelota.
- Goosebumps à n: piel de gallina (por miedo, frío, etc.)
You're cold look, you've got goosebumps!

This is all for now.
See you on Thursday!
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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

Some spelling difficulties

Just a few common words which Spanish speakers tend to misspell. Watch out for them!

And feel free to give any other in the comments below!

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2c:47] Class summary for December 4th

Thanks, Javier.

[1] Cuidado con esos verbos que no se usan como en español. En la pared de clase hay un cartel con algunos de ellos.

[2] Voy a enteneder que has querido usar el nombre, y no ¡¡¡un adjetivo en plural!!!

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Date: Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 11:17 PM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2c:47] Class summary for December 4th
To: ni2c 2013 <eoi-english-2013-ni2c@googlegroups.com>

Hi classmates,

First, we worked on pages 134 and 135, where we saw "Prefixes used to form opposites" and "Forming nouns and gerunds", then we did the Practice 1 and 2.

Also, the teacher explained -us [1] the -differents +DIFFERENCE [2] between "pay" and "pay for". Below you can see some examples:

you have to use "pay" with :
- the rent
- taxes
- bill
and you have to use "pay for" with:
- dinner
- holidays
- companionship

Basically, we have to use "pay" when the final -objetive +objective is +[TO pay / paying ] +for something directly, with money (you pay the rent), and we have to use "pay for" when we pay for something in order to get something (you pay for dinner).

Vocabulary on these pages
loyal --> leal
respectful -->respetuoso
wealth -> riqueza
membership --> socio
anxiety --> ansiedad
fatherhood --> paternidad
motherhood --> maternidad
greenhouse --> invernadero [aquí recordad que el stress en las palabras compuestas va en el primer nombre]
likehood --> probabilidad
hoody --> sudadera con capucha

Finally, we did exercise 1 on page 22 (Listening), and exercise 1 on page 23.

Vocabulary on these pages

toddler --> empezar a andar [toddle es el verbo; toddler, la persona (generalmente un niño)]
cuddle --> abrazo tierno
giggle --> risa tonta

That's is [HORROR, ¡Cuántos verbos hay aquí?] all


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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2a:53] Class summary for December 3th

Thanks, María.

Be careful with the order in reported speech.

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From: Maria de miguel gortazar <mariademiguelgortazar@hotmail.com>
Date: Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 8:57 PM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2a:53] Class summary for December 3th
To: "eoi-english-2013-ni2a@googlegroups.com" <eoi-english-2013-ni2a@googlegroups.com>

Hello classmates:
We started the lesson by correcting homework on pages 134  and 135 of the student's book about forming adjectives, nouns and gerunds.
Secondly the teacher explained a few  Common mistakes which he thought were worth some reviewing:
      -           We don`t say "the" when the page or the exercise is determined by the number. 
               We did the exercise 10 on the page 12.
     -          When the complement of -way +manner is a gerund  it -(he) is introduced by the preposition "by". 
               We started the class by checking the homework.
     -          +Take care with the use of  the perfect times. It  -belongs +is different  from the Spanish. They never use  "ayer hemos visto la unidad          3". They use simple past:
              Yesterday / Last day we -[have seen] +saw the first page of unit 3.
     -           They use perfect times to connect two moments.
     -          Care translating " were making 7 the exercise(fiscal year) " for " we were doing exercise 7 ". [????]
     -          When they want to speak about a "photocopy" with notes and exercises they  normally use "worksheet".
     -          The word "advice" is -incontable +uncountable. Never use advices.
Apart from that we learnt  vocabulary and expressions , for example:
     -          Worksheet:  is a specially prepared page of exercises designed to improve your knowledge or understanding of a particular          subject.  
    -          Weed out: dispense with, eliminate, eradicate…
    -          To cuddle: If you cuddle someone, you put your arms round them and hold them close as a way of showing your affection.  
    -          Stuck with: If you are stuck with something that you do not want, you cannot get rid of it.  
Then, we turned to page 22 and we did exercise 1 and 2. We worked in pairs. We started by answering the questions of exercise one. Later we listened to five people answering one of the questions and we  had to -know +guess what question +[the speaker] answered -[the speaker]. Finally, we did the listening again.

This is all we did in class, and the teacher did not tell us to do homework.
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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado