Sunday, February 14, 2016


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From: R Palomo
Hi guys

Some times, when I watch a video, I'm shocked and this is one of them. For me have been difficult to pick out one because, very often, TV provides us videos about people who suffer and unfortunately we're used to watching them.
You've just seen two people. A frightened man who is running away. He's carrying a child in his arms. He only has a dream, to live in peace. Suddenly a journalist kicks him and he falls over, but, what happen after?. I needed to imagine what happened after that so let me tell you the rest of the history. Surely the man's son asked his father "Why?" And he couldn't answer anything. He only looked away and cried, however, when the journalist's son asked his mother "Why?" she, proud, answered "Because I am superior than these people".

There are many people who think they are superior by their nationality, their race, their religion or even more by their gender "I am a man and mi wife is mine". Awful, I know, but, however, it happens nearby.
About our history, several months later the man has achieved his dream and his son asked him again "Why?". In that moment his father answered him "Because, in spite of everything, there are good people". He looked at him and smiled. At the same time, the journalist's son made her the same question. She couldn't answer anything, she only looked down and cried.
Indeed, that is a big problem and the solution isn't look away. We should do something in order not to have more children dead in a beach. From my point of view the solution is the empathy. It's very easy but, at the same time, it's very difficult. In Spanish, empathy, means put yourself in the same place and in English means put yourself in their shoes. The meaning is very similar however some times the person doesn't have shoes. In other words. The empathy is very important but it isn't enough.
Thank for reading and take care.


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