Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2c:152] Class summary for April 7th

Thanks, Paula.

WATCH OUT FOR "BE + ing" cuando no se traduce como "estuvimos" sino como "estábamos". This mistake is an old friend of us, but it's a no-no.
Os pego aquí un post anterior con notas y ejercicios:

  • Estábamos o Estuvimos, ¿acción progresiva o simple? Cuidado con traducir "estuvimos haciendo el ejercicio 7" por "we were doing exercise 7". Eso más bien quiere decir "estábamos haciendo el ejercicio 7" ... y claro te quedas esperando para saber si pasó algo más...
​El progresivo es más comúnmente una acción de trasfondo, lo que estaba occuriendo cuando ocurrió otra cosa, o algo que hacíamos durante un intervalo de tiempo.


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From: Paula . 
Date: Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 10:43 PM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2c:152] Class summary for April 7th
To: "" <>

In the first place we -[were correcting] +corrected some exercises (page 146 exercises 1 and 2)
Then, we -[were reading] +read more information about the use of present perfect simple and present simple continuous. Some of the differences in meaning between +the two are these:

1.      Present perfect simple. I´ve -drink +drunk a coke (action lasts only for a moment)
Present perfect continuous.  Your coat is wet, it´s been raining (action -last +lasts sometime)

2.      Present perfect simple. I`ve seen this movie, could we see another? (completed action)
Present perfect continuous. I´ve been doing my homework (action it`s not necessary finished)

3.      Present perfect simple. What have you done this afternoon? (-interesting +interested in result)
 Present perfect continuous. What have you been studying this afternoon? (interested in activity)

We did exercises 1, 2 and 3 -of +on this page to practice this.
After that we -turn +turnED to page 64. We -[were talking] +talked about some British heroes, like Shakespeare or Lennon, we had to tell what we knew about them. We did exercises 1 3 and 4. We -[were watching] +watched a video about Brunel, a British engineer.
We learnt some words and expressions:

-          The best known Shakespeare was the best known British writer.
-          Leap year a calendar year of 366 days, February 29 (leap day) being the additional day.
-          Maiden   a young unmarried girl. My maiden name was Mery Anderson.
-          Unsung not acclaimed or honoured. Bruned is an unsung hero,nowadays nobody remembers his name.
-          Workshop a room or building in which manufacturing or other forms of manual work are carried on. The workshop was full of tools

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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

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