Saturday, January 18, 2014

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2b:77] SUMARY

Careful with tense usage!!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sandra Rodríguez Alburquerque
Date: Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 9:07 PM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2b:77] SUMARY

Hi guys!
I am sorry about the delay. I was too busy yesterday.


Last Tuesday we did some activities in class:
We started the class +BY doing -the exercise 2a in page 30. we had to read the questionnaire and check the meaning of the words and phrases in bold and -no +not in bold:

We -highlight +highlightED -this +these words and sentences:

-          harsh: estricto
-          lenient: pasota [no tanto... "poco severo, blando"]
-          punishment: castigo
-          submits: presentar/ entregar
-          plagiarism: plagio
-          receive a warning: recibir un aviso
-          expelled: expulsado del colegio, para siempre
-          fraud: fraude
-          play truans/cut class/skip class: hacer pellas, hacer novillos
-          Be suspendded: expulsado unos días
-          Be prosecuted: acusado
-          Anti-social behaviour: comportamiento antisocial
-          Be evicted: desalojo
-          Tenants: alquilados
-          Who fall behind in their +rent: que se retrasen sus pagos
-          Learn to cope: aprender a -cooperar +[asumir algo / aguantarse con algo]
-          Serve a sentence: cumplir condena
-          Drink-drivind: conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol
-          Let off with a warning: dejar ir con un aviso
-          Lose his licence: perder el carnet
-          He should be given: deberían darle
-          Community service: servicios comunitarios
-          To beg/ begging: mendigar/ mendigando
-          Be fined/giving a ticket: las dos significan pagar una multa, la primera, en ingles británico y la segunda, americano.
-          Charged with: cargos de los que se le acusa
-          In jail: en la cárcel, no se utiliza el artículo.
-          Suspended sentence: libertad vigilada
-          Take into care: quitar la tutela

After that, we -remind +reviewED the different crimes:

-          blackmail: chantaje
-          theft: robar (no en exceso)
-          robbery: robar
-          murder: asesino
-          rape: violación
-          kidnapping: secuestro
-          thief: ladrón
-          manslaughter: homicidio
-          hijacking: secuestro de autobús, avión...
-          libel: calumnia, difamación.
-          Assault: asalto en la calle
-          Burglary: robo, pero en una casa, oficina etc...
-          Arson: pirómano
-          jay-walking: cruzar sin mirar
-          cheating: copiar
-          trespassing: allanamiento de morada
-          smuggler: contrabando/ falsificación

After that, we did -the exercise 1 on page 31 : Chose the best answer to complete the cartoons.
We had +TO choose the correct answers between two verbal -tense +tenses in the cartoon of British humour.

To finish, we -[had seen] +saw very quickly the PRACTICE 1 on page 31; "work in pairs. Choose the best answer to complete the conversation below. Give reasons"

See you this afternoon!
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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

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