Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2c:155] Class summary Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Thanks, Rosa. Hope all is well.

[1] En este caso es sin "by", es lo que empezamos a hacer después de lo primero, no que empezáramos por ahí

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rosa Entrena 
Date: Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 8:25 PM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2c:155] Class summary Wednesday, April 9, 2014
To: eoi-english-2013-ni2c@googlegroups.com

Hi everyone,

I so sorry +about the long delay of the summary. My holidays have been really difficult on a personal level. I doubt if you are interested in it, so I´m going to summarize our last class Wednesday, April 9, 2014.

To begin with, we discussed about -the zoos and the animals that live in captivity.

Next, we started -by [1] reading +the lesson Arguing your case ( J.L. sent it on a regular email).

Regarding grammar, we reviewed the use of articles: a/an, the and when we don´t use articles. We -[were practicing about] +practiced it with two -exercices +exercises of the same page.

Afterwards, we learnt a common way of structuring an argument using specific words and phrases that introduce doubtfulness without specific -datas +data [es un plural irregular]:

It is often claimed that... a menudo se afirma que...
One argument...
It is sometimes said that...
are supposedly…
It is widely believed that… por lo general se cree que...
are sometimes seen as… se presentan como...
One common argument against...

On the other hand, when we dismiss (descartamos) weak arguments, we often start the sentence with However and in this point we have to explain ideas as facts (hechos inapelables) using the present simple.


- endangered species (especies en peligro de extinción)
- The zoo in my town is home to (alberga) a very rare kind of...
- housed in (alojado)
- The fact that fewer and fewer (cada vez menos) people are visiting...
- Without funding (financiación)...
- For me, the main issue is whether (si) or not
- breed (criar)
- breeding cattle (cría de ganado)
- inbreeding (endogamia)
- fierce (intenso)
- raging (rabioso), rage (rabia)
- The party was a rage (el último grito)
- It should be closed down (clausurado)
- They are seen as being (son vistos como que son)
- It is also believed (se acepta)
- all manner of (todo tipo de)
- at large (en su conjunto)
- sufficient reason for (motivo suficiente para)
- on the verge of (al borde de)
- As such, (como tales,)
- hastening the demise (precipitando el deceso)
- In her haste to get up from the table... (En su prisa por levantarse...)
- demise of... (el fin de...)

See you

Rosa Entrena
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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

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