Friday, March 21, 2014

Fwd: Class summary for March 13 th.

Thanks. Good lexical research!

such as, like and as:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Marta C. Tirado
Date: Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 1:30 PM
Subject: Class summary for March 13 th.
To: José L Moisés <>

Hello everybody,

At the beginning of the class, we answered the following questions in pairs and after that we shared our point of view:

1) How important are your phone, social networking sites or other forms of online communication in your interaction with other people?
2) In what ways do you use them?
3) Have these things improved your social life?
These questions -was +were/are -in +on page 48 (exercise 1)

Then we read the proposed text -about on the relationship of -the society with new technologies. The boy who talked was hooked on -your +his mobile phone, and he felt so isolated although he had a good girlfriend and a lot of long-standing mates.

here we can stop -us to learn the meaning of several words:

long-standing mates: compañeros de siempre
hooked: enganchado. "Are you hooked on your phone? = ¿Estás enganchado (colgado) a tu móvil?"
Isolated: aislado
Gig: concierto
Wrap: envolver
Throughout the day: "A lo largo del día"
Drip / Drop: Goteo / Gota - Gotear
Out-standing debts: deudas pendientes. Out-standing: no acabado, pendiente
Long -standing: acompaña en el tiempo

-[Class also made reference] +[Some reference was also made in class] to several colloquial (and curious) expressions +SUCH as:
"Go cold turkey"
: no poder dejar algo (drogas) / hacer algo de golpe
I searched sentences with this phrase and I found these examples:

- Some people experience headaches or drowsiness if they go "cold turkey" from their caffeine intake.
 Algunas personas experimentan dolores de cabeza o somnolencia si se abstienen de su consumo de cafeína.

- Of course, people didn`t go cold turkeyon politics right after Election Day.
Por supuesto, la gente no se desapasiona por la política justo después de las elecciones.

- The key to preparing healthy soul food recipes is not to go cold turkey all at once.
La llave para preparar su comida favorita saludablemente es no cambiar la receta.

Go "cold turkey".
Hágalo de golpe.

- Trying to go cold turkey may be too difficult.
Si uno intenta cambiar todo de a una vez, se sentirá privado.

- However, with the resources and number of medications that are available today, going "cold turkey" isn't necessary.
Sin embargo, con los recursos y cantidad de medicamentos que se encuentran disponibles actualmente, "parar en seco" no es necesario.

To continue  we did all the exercises of the page and returned to reflect on the data presented in the yellow box.

Finally we did another listening test exam.

That is all for now. See you this afternoon.

Marta Curiel Tirado

Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

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