Wednesday, November 30, 2011

St. Andrew

Today is the day of St. Andrew patron of Scotland and other countries like Russia. It is celebrated on 30th November with concerts and festivities.

There are two historical legends that tell the relation between St. Andrew and Scotland.

The first legend is the eighth century when an angel told to St. Regulo in dreams that he had to carry the relics of St. Andrew at the end of the earth and he left it where actually is the city of San Andrew.

The second legend is the ninth century. The Scots were surrounded in a war against the Angles and San Andres appeared to the King and promised him the victory. The next day morning in the blue sky was a white cross.  And encouraged by the appearance, Scots won the battle.

There is a curiosity and in the Scotland's flag, it is blue with a white X, and an X cross is where St. Andrew was crucified.

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