Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Travellers needed!

From: aga 

We're planning a crazy trip around Europe starting in Madrid,Spain ,through France,maybe  Belgium,then Germany,Poland,the Czech Republic,Austria,Switzerland,lastly crossing the south-east France to coming back Spain.We're going to travel by car.We're two persons so we need two more for having fun.We want to start our adventure by the last week of august and finisz it in three weeks more o less.
We're looking for people not very young,sociable,with driver's license,who speak English a little or who speak something of the languages from the countries we're going to cross by(it's not necesarry),end the most important thing,we need people who don't afraid of unknow things,because the  mayority of the trip will be spontaneous:)
So if you think,that you can do it with us we challenge you!Maybe this will be the beginning of our crazy trips?....To contact with us send un email at.....end we'llget back to you!!!!
                Aga end Nacho



  1. Hi Aga,

    Since long time ago I've wanted to travel around Europe, nevertheless, I've never found people to travel with them. I hope to join your group as soon as possible. By the way, I speak a little bit of English but I'll improve it. I hope so.

    See you


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