From: tomatitoaga
Date: Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 9:15 PM
Hi guys, I would like to ask you a question "What does virgin mean?" I have doubt it and I want you to watch this video to understand what it mean.
Sometimes children ask us some very delicate questions and sometimes we think that they do that when they are really asking innocent questions.
I think this video can be an advertisement. I have enjoyed it because it´s surprising and the punchline unexpected.
I like advertisements on TV; each one can be a little film to attract everybody's attention and to manage that everybody buys the product. I like analyzing them to understand which strategies they use to achieve it. In this video, humor, surprise and sex are what the ideas man uses.
In the end I don´t know what is the brand of the product advertised. Is it an extra virgin olive oil? I don´t know but it doesn´t matter! I like it anyway!