Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2b:17] summary Tuesday October 29

Thanks, Cris.

Some very important points to notice:

[1] VERY CAREFUL WITH TENSE USAGE. Esto significa "estábamos haciendo", no "estuvimos haciendo". Esto hay que erradicarlo, pideme en clase que lo repase: past progressive 1 y past progressive 2

[2] La otra cosa que es muy reiterada es el uso del artículo. También es difícil. Hay que trabajarlo: The (1) y The (2)

Keep up the spirit! And let's get down to work :)

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From: <>
Date: Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 9:12 PM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2b:17] summary Tuesday October 29

Hi classmates!
Last Tuesday, we -[were doing] +[did] some exercises -about +on page 9 (relationships). We -[were completing] +completed -[with words in text] +[the text with words] and also in groups everyone were thinking and looking -for +up in +the dictionary
+the opposite -the words, for example "close to, get on with, loyal to, destructive"..
+The Teacher showed on the board the possible correct solutions, such as:
  • to be jealous off: to be generous with / to be proud
  • to be always competing: to cooperate
  • to feel threatened by: to feel reassure.
  • to have a lot in common: to be poles apart
  • to be close to each other: to be distant to each other= to fall out
  • to get on with each other: not to bear someone // cannot put up with
  • to be supportive of someone: to trip somebody up
  • to be loyal to each other: to betray someone
  • to respect each other: to disregard someone
Also  in page number 11, we were doing the -exercise +exercises 1 and 2.
We -choose +[classified the] verbs in groups and these are the results:
  1. BECAME: get tired
  2. UNDERSTAND: get what you are saying
  3. OBTAIN/ RECEIVE:get a present
  4. ARRIVE: get home
  5. CATCH: get the bus
  6. PHRSAL VERBS: get on well with someone.
In exercise number 2, we were associating these verbs of the previous diagram and after we were doing some phrases.
-While +Meanwhile, we had -douds +doubts and the teacher -expalined +explained it, and also he taught some sayings, such as:
  • "The early bird catches the worm" (A quien madruga...)
  • Get lost! (piérdete)
  • utterly lost! (completamente perdido)
  • Do you get it? (lo pillas??)
  • I don´t get it! (no te cojo!)
Finally, in pairs, were asking to the partner, some questions for shifts [???] about the contains which were seeing in class.

After -[picking up] +[getting ready to go], the teacher was reading a paper which asked for a delegate. At first, nobody wanted +to, but a classmate +got decided and she accepted.

I hope that +this is helpful. [Faltaba el sujeto]
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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2a:16] Class summary for October 29th

Thanks, Jorge. Very good tense usage in general!

[1] Esto es un complemento de modo. Se usa BY + prep.

[2] Esto es un infinitivo de propósito. Review. And review more.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jorge Campaña Ramos <>
Date: Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 7:50 PM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2a:16] Class summary for October 29th

Hi guys

We started the class doing [1] exercises from the pages where the siblings' text was. First we did exercise one and then in pairs we searched an antonym for the words in bold in the first and second -exercise +exercises.

Then, we -turn +turned to page 11 and we did exercise 1. We looked out for a verb which means the same as the different uses of the verb to get. We learnt a new word:

Commute: we use this word to referring [2] to a journey that we do everyday between work and home.

When we finished it, we did the second exercise, while we were checking it, we learnt new expressions:

The early bird catches the worm = A quién madruga dios le ayuda
Utter/Utterly = it is a synonym of complete or extreme
Get over it = supéralo, asúmelo
It was a matter of days = fue cosa de días
In-between = entre medias, a medias
To crack a joke = to tell a joke
The clock is one hour fast/slow = El reloj va adelantado/atrasado

Finally, we did -the exercise 3, in pairs we had to wonder [???] some questions about this new vocabulary.

At the end of the class, José Luis read us a letter -wich +which said that we had to choose a delegate.

See you tomorrow.
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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2c:17] Class summary for October 28th

Thanks, Judith.

[1] This is difficult, but review the rules LAST and NEXT

[2] This is a purpose infinitive. Review. And review more.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 10:54 PM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2c:17] Class summary for October 28th

Hi classmates,
I´m Judith, I´ll try to summarize the class for October 28th  (-the [1] last Monday):
1- On page 11 on the right side:  GET ; exercises 1 to 4.
Did you remember the diferent uses of " to get"? That was our opportunity. 
Note: We should not forget the uses of "get" with transports:
          Get---ON / Get ---OFF -------> Bus, train
Get IN / Get OUT------------> Car,...
2-  We learned different useful expressions:
Get over it! = ¡Supéralo!, ¡Déjalo ya!
I´m fed up = Estoy harto
I got you! = ¡Te pillé!
Get down to work! = ¡Ponte a trabajar!
3- On page 13, exercises 1 and 2.
We -begin +began to get familiar with the game " Keep talking", on page 12. We read the rules on page 13. We prepared short questions for each -squares +square, to making [2] the game faster.
But we didn´t play. So If you go to class the next day, you´ll play.
4- -Another +other vocabulary and expresions:
    Clockwise--> sentido de las agujas del reloj
    Counterclockwise---> en el sentido contrario a las agujas del reloj, sentido antihorario.
    Vicious circle --->circulo vicioso.
    Virtuous circle ---> opposite to the previous meaning.
    Making a fuss---> Montar un "pollo", montar un escándalo.
I hope you find it useful.
See you in class!
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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2b:15] Summary 24th October.

Thanks, Antonio!

[1] We don't usually use the article if the exercise number is said.

[2] This is a very common structure you need to know. Reference.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 6:31 PM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2b:15] Summary 24th October.

Hi classmates!
Last Thursday we continued advancing over chapter 1 of the Student´s book.
Firstly, we corrected the [1] excercise 2 on page 11 about the uses of auxiliary verbs in -its +their different ways to -emphatise +emphasize, in questions and question -tag +tags, and then both the [1] -practise +practice 1 and 2 on pages 131 and 132, in reviewing of the main points we had dealt with.
Atfer that, and working in pairs, we kept a quick conversation about a daily situation to practice the learned uses of auxiliary verbs, making each other some questions and then answering them.
Go on...
Then the teacher showed us how +to [2] pronounce some words written with four syllables, but -[that they] +which are pronounced with less syllables, for example:
  • secretary: [ˈsekrətrɪ]
  • interesting: [ˈɪntrɪstɪŋ]
  • cemetery: [ˈsemɪtrɪ]
In addition we saw the different meaning between the following verbs:
  • decide: [dɪˈsaɪd], to choose sth, especially after thinking carefully about several possibilities, for example: In the end, we decided to go to the theatre.
  • determined: /dɪˈt3ːmɪnd/, wanting to do sth very much and not allowing anyone or any difficulties to stop you, for example: I´m determined to get this piece of work finished today.
Finally, we extracted +some vocabulary about Siblings, like -this +these:
  • hand-me-down = a piece of clothing given to a younger family member or friend because the person who owns it no longer wants it.
  • oldest/middle/youngest sibling.
  • stepbrother = not your parent´s son, but the son of a person that one of your parents has married.
  • half-brother = a brother who is the son of only one of your parents.
  • twin = either of two children born to the some mother on the same occasion.
  • Identical twin = one of two babies of the same sex who were born at the same time, developed from the same eggs, and look the same.
That was all what I learned or at least that I can remember.
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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2a:15] Class summary for October 25th

Thanks, Ma José.

Review this: (1) BY + prep

Also, be very careful with number agreement!!! (and the past)

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From: <>
Date: Sun, Oct 27, 2013 at 10:00 AM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2a:15] Class summary for October 25th

Hello classmates:

We started the class learnt (1) expressions about people:

household name / very well know = is a person who everybody knows
very knowledgeable = is a person who knows a lot of things (+)
know-it all = is a person who things that he/she knows a lot of things (-)

Then, we read a text in pages 8 and 9 in the students' book about 4 pairs of famous siblings and their rivalries and we did exercises 3 and 4 about the text in page 8.

We learnt a lot of vocabulary and expressions of the text, for example:

she felt threatened = se sentía amenazada
to hit the news = muy comentado en las noticias
to put somebody down = criticar a alguien

Also we learnt the verb: to -critisise  +criticise (UK) or to -critisize +criticize (US) = criticar, [My bad, because I think I misspelt it on the board the first time]
the noun: a critic, [una  persona que escribe una crítica]
and the sustantive: a critique [una crítica, una reseña en el periódico, etc.]

We practice the pronunciation -on +of -this words +[these words]:

The final sounds is the same.

We haven't +got homework for the next day.

-[It's all.] +[That's all] [Es una frase hecha]

See you soon.
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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2c:14] Class summary

Thanks Patricia.

Don't get confused with this:

"Here you are" -- "aquí tienes" cuando no dices el qué (se sobreentiende). También significa "aquí estás", por ejemplo cuando encuantras a alguien que buscabas.

"Here you have the report" -- "aquí tienes el informe"

See you,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Patricia Mogollón <>
Date: Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 5:42 PM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2c:14] Class summary
To: "" <>

Hello guys,
Here you are the summary for last Wednesday:

At the beginning of class we saw some expressions included in the text called "Great sibling rivalries", on -page +pages 8 and 9.
-"Hit the news": cuando algo se convierte en noticia.
-"Put each other down": menospreciar a alguien.
-"To fall out": alejarse, distanciarse.
-"Beauty fades but a sister is for life": la belleza desaparece pero una hermana es para siempre.

Later, we worked on exercises 1a, 2 and 3a on page 9. You have here some opposites to the phrases:
-To feel threatened by ≠ to feel reassured
-To have a lot in common ≠ to be poles apart
-To get on with each other ≠ not to bear someone / cannot put up with
-To be loyal ≠ to betray someone

To finish the lesson, we described some relationships on exercise 4a.

That's all we did last day.
See you soon.

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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

Friday, October 25, 2013

Dropping or not "to" and "it" in answers

This point came up in some classes the last day. I believe many of you still have problems with this. If you need extra explanations, ask me in class.

"to" standing for the infinitive

want to // like it // I know // I know it

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2a:9] Class summary for October 24th

Thanks, Sara!

Notes on when we use by + ing

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sara Cuesta Asensio <>
Date: Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 8:42 PM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2a:9] Class summary for October 24th
To: "" <>

Hello guys: 

We started the lesson by correcting homework on pages 131 and 132 of the student's book. +The Topics were present and past tenses and +the uses of auxiliary verbs. 

Then we worked in pairs -[with the] +on exercice 3a on page 11,  practicing the use of auxiliary verbs again. 

After that, on page 8 of the student's book, we continued to work in pairs speaking about ourselves. 

We learnt
-a new word (sibling): brother or sister
-a new expression (hand-me-down): every Winter, I have to use my brother's hand-me-down jackets. 
-and we remembered different -[word of] +[words relating to] the family (stepbrother, stepsister, half-brother, half-sister). 
+Some Classmates and Mr. Moises had a different point of view about what a stepbrother or stepsister in spanish is. 

See you tomorrow. 

Enviado desde mi iPad
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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2b:9] Summary October 22nd

Thanks, Beatriz!

And thanks for the phonetics of the new words. Always remember to learn with a short example too.

See you,

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From: <>
Date: Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 2:45 PM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2b:9] Summary 22th

Hello guys!

Yesterday, we continued +with/on -the Unit 1 +[of the] Student´s Book about Friendships. We did exercises 2a-b-c, 3 and 4 on page 10 and exercise 1a-b on page 11 to learn new vocabulary about relationships and the use of auxiliary verbs to express  for example surprise or emphasis. Some exercises are "listening" +exercises, and you can read these conversations on page 167.
[you should have all the audios  in the CD that comes with the book. That's actually the one I use in class]

In these exercises, new vocabulary has appeared:

- To manage /ˈmæn.ɪdʒ/ : to succeed in doing something, especially something difficult.

-To disclose /dɪˈskləʊz/ : to make something known publicly, or to show something that was hidden.

-To talk sb out of sth  /tɑːk/  : to persuade someone not to do something.

-To let down /let/ : to disappoint someone by failing to do what you agreed to do or were expected to do.

-To cheat on /tʃiːt/ : If you cheat on your husband, wife, or usual sexual partner, you secretly have a sexual relationship with someone else.

Besides, the teacher has reminded us +of the confusion -of +[over/with the] word "Sympathethic"

- Sympathetic  /ˌsɪm.pəˈθet.ɪk/ : describes someone who shows, especially by what they say, that they understand and care about someone's suffering.

Learning it is important and he recommends -us to memorize some examples. [Careful this verb is not used like in Spanish, the pattern changes:]

Finally, we have to do +some homework, the exercises Practice1 on pages 131 and Practice2 on page 132.

 See you on

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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2a:7] Class summary for October 22nd

Not poor at all, Antonia! And the thanks for the extra links.

Careful with the spelling of "exercise".

See you,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 12:09 PM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2a:7] Class summary for October 22nd
To: "ni2a 2013 (" <>

Hi classmates

Let me explain what we did in class yesterday.

We listened +TO an audio tape (for three or four times, until we understood Emoji) about Maz and +her friends and we did some exercices about it. Page 10 of the book.

We learnt about uses of auxiliary verbs.

- I need holidays.
- I do need holidays.
-- Necesito vacaciones.
- Realmente necesito vacaciones.
- I like spicy food.
- I do like spicy food.
-- Me gusta la comida picante.
- Me gusta mucho la comida picante.

¡CUIDADO! Cuando enfatizamos en pasado, "do" pasa a ser "did" y el verbo principal se pone en presente:
- I walked the dog this morning.
- I did walk the dog this morning.
-- Saqué al perro esta mañana.
- Claro que saqué al perro esta mañana.

For questions -tagd +tags I suggest you visit the web s

We did more exercices.(Language focus 2,1 and 2 of page 10)

We did +the practice of page 11 exercice 1a, 1b and 2.

Some vocabulary about relationships

Homework: practice 1 exercices 1 and 2  of page 131-132 and practice 2 exercices 1 to 3 on page 132 too.

I hope I've helped you with my poor summary.

See you tomorrow,


Antonia Martin
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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Fwd: [eoi-english-2013-ni2c:2] Class summary for October 21st

Thanks, Olga! Very nice.

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From: Olga A <>
Date: Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 2:11 PM
Subject: [eoi-english-2013-ni2c:2] Class summary for October 21st
To: "" <>

Hello, guys!

I'm Olga. Mr. Moises asked me to write a summary for last monday (and later, also you will make it!). Here you are.

1. We started the class by correcting the exercises on pages 131 and 132.

2. After that, we read the text on pages 8 and 9, and we worked on it:

          -we made exercices 1 to 4 on page 8;

          -we saw some words based on relationships, such as:

          sibling: hermano, -a;
          only child: hijo único;
          rivalry: rivalidad; [careful with pronunciation]
          close: cercano, íntimo;
          boast = brag: presumir, alardear, jactarse: She boasted that she had an Oscar;

          -some expressions:

          to resemble = to look alike: parecerse; look like: parecerse a... We look alike (Nos parecemos), I look like my sister
           (Me parezco a mi hermana);
          to take after sombody: "tener" (parecerse) algo de alguien: I take after my father;
          to be close to: estar muy cerca de...: I'm close to my sister;
          on your side: de tu lado: Your mather is on your side;
[also, to side with = to take sides  = ponerse de parte de ...]
          to feel lonely or to be alone: I'm feel lonely, even if I'm not alone;

          -some particular family of words:

          an heir /er/: heredero; an heiress /'eress/; heredera; to inherit: heredar; inheritance: herencia;
          jealous (adj.): celoso; jealousy (n.): celos, envidia;
          loathe (v) /loud/: detestar; loath (adj) /lou0/: detestado, aborrecido;

3. Also, the teacher wanted to remind us the four words starting by +[a mute] h--[ not pronounced]:
          heir, hour, honest, honour [Ta!]

And I think -[it is] +that's all!

See you!


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Profesor: dícese por algunos del prototipo de moda de chivo expiatorio y paria privilegiado

Tense review

Hi guys,

I link below some exercises for further work on tense usage. It seems simple enough, but often times it's not. Browse the exercises and work on them as needed. Answer key is enclosed.

Past tenses review
Simple past vs. present perfect
